Contracts able to deploy through new
interface, or through createToken
function on TokenFactory
Crowdsale token (basic implementation) can be created by createCrowdsaleToken
- it will deploy
Standard Token with given parameters, then it will deploy standard Crowdsale contract with given parameters
and than it will transfer totalSupply_
to crowdsale contract.
subscription contract able to deploy through createSubscription
interface on SubFactory.sol
it awaits addresses of owner, chat token and crowdsale of this token.
Subscription contract allow to signIn, signOut from a chat/channel using tokens, which have been bought through crowdsale. It's also allow to buy advertisment on the channel for tokens and
also have a ban function.
NOTE that now it is only basic functionality for advertisment functions and owner cannot accept or reject ad proposals yet
Has not been tested properly yet.
Interface(js) creation not working (probably cause of js types), have no time to fix it
- crowdsale token - done
- basic subscruption token - done
- basic advertisment sell functionality - done
- improved advertisment sell functionality - delayed
- fix markdown in this readme
Need to test everything
This is project for generation new own Tokens.
This project include contracts:
- standard token contract template (erc20)
- Factory
- token with ownership
- factory which deploy new subscription Contracts
- subscription contract allow users to signIn or signOut, buying
ads, allow owner to ban user
As you can see, function awaits parameters 'decimals' and 'rate' to understand the price
of token user want to set up.
The lowest undividable unit in token should be setup by the 'decimals' parameter.
For example, if we want lowest unit as 0,001, then we should set up the decimals in value 3.
Ethereum itself has the lowest unit called `Wei` and has decimals value 18, so if
we suggest that 1 moonshard is 1$, and we creating new token with decimals 18 and rate =1, then
price for 1 NewToken = 1$.
If we will move decimals forward or backward we can get 1 NewToken = 10$ when decimals = 19 and
1 NewToken = 0,1$ when decimals = 17, therefore we can change price of token moving floating point like that.
Other parameter for price is _rate_ . This mean conversion rate, or how many tokens buyer getting per
one payable unit.
For example when d=18 and r=1 buyer get 1 token per 1$. If rate is 2, than 2 token per 1$. In second case price of the token will be 0,5$ and so on
Probably we should to implement some mechanism of dynamic price calculation on client side. (for autocalculation decimals and rate for given user price)
There is a method to dynamicly calculate rate
and decimals
by USD price on frontend side
To do this, take formula
Crowdsale mechanics work like 1$=(1*r) tokens.
that mean that
therefore we understand, that if we want to set up crowdsale price as 6$ for a token, than rate=1/6=0.16
As we undarstand, that Ethereum doesn't support float numbers, we have a problem with correct setting of rate in cases when 1 token is cost bigger than 1$, like when rate should be equal to 0.16
in such cases we should increase number of decimals in the side we want to move the point
In our example, as rate should be setted to 0.16 it is means that we create token with 18+2 decimals value and give rate=16.
this also means, that frontend intarface should ALWAYS ask about decimals before moving funds
Subscritption is a basic contract for subscription managment
- procceed a transferFrom
from a msg.sender, taking 1 token for subscription deposit
think about it as "subscription activision".
- return token to a user,stopping subscription.
- remove user subscription, token return to a crowdsale contract (I'm not really sure what to do with that)
- set price for advertisment in chat, should be set in tokens, in minamal unit format (wei for standard decimals = 18)
- buy advertisment in chat, basic functionality, request payment in tokens, returns event with given ad.message hash
Messeneger server should recive state updates about subscription through events from this contract.
`SubFactory` deploy new subscription contracts, receiving addresses of token,chat owner and crowdsale address (for return).
Let's imagine that we are channel owner and we want to set up a price for commercial in our blog
As far as we decided that our content is free of charge and we want to sell commercial instead of setting paywall for subscribers In this case we need to set up a lowest price for entry and high price for them who want to buy commercial
Therefore we set up rate
variable in crowdsale to 100, which will give us token price in USD = 0.001$.
Then we want to sell our commersial by 100$ per one - in this case we should set up price for ad in our subscription contract as
100*100= 10 000 (tokens)
Universale formula for setting up a advertisment price is:
ad_price = n*r*decimals
when n = price in USD for commersials
r = exchange rate between MoonShard token (equal to USD)
decimals = decimals of user (chat) token.
I think we really need to set up one standard decimal for all user tokens(18)
npm install
from ( if u want to start local dev ethereum node -
Start ganache or your ethereum node
From project directory open terminal here are commands:
truffle migrate --reset
note that intarface was not updated from Bigfund token manager, so it's not working propriate for now. I think something wrong with types definytion but I have no time to work on it now.
truffle console
migrate --reset"T","tt",9,10000).then(function(ins){ console.log(ins.address);});
- will deploy new ST token from source ST.sol with parameters T as name, tt as symbol, 9 as decimals and 10000 as initial supply. Copy address returnvar inst='past returned address here');
- create;
var fac = TokenFactory
fac.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.createSToken("N","nn",9,10000);}).then(function(result){return result.logs;});
- function createSToken from Factoryfac.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.createToken("N","nn",9,10000);}).then(function(result){return result.logs;});
- function createToken from Factory (ownable token)