
A Chef cookbook that provides resources to interact with the Artifactory REST API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This cookbook provides resources for interacting with the artifactory REST API

Supported Platforms

This is written in pure ruby so it supports all of teh platformz



This is basically remote_file where the source is defined as Artifactory GAVC search parameters.


Name Type Description Default Required
path String Path to which file be downloaded n/a yes
endpoint String Artifactory instance URI n/a yes
username String Artifactory username n/a no
password String Artifactory password n/a no
group_id String Group for GAVC search n/a yes
artifact_id String Artifact for GAVC search n/a yes
version String Version for GAVC search n/a yes
classifier String Classifier for GAVC search nil no
packaging String File extension of artifact n/a yes
repository_keys Array of strings Repositories to search n/a yes


The following will download the commons-io-2.4-sources.jar file to /tmp/downloads, assuming that Artifactory at http://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory has that artifact in its maven-central-cache repository.

artifactory_rest_gavc_download '/tmp/downloads/commons-io-2.4-sources.jar' do
  # Required
  group_id 'commons-io'
  artifact_id 'commons-io'
  endpoint 'http://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory'
  version '2.*'
  repository_keys 'maven-central-cache'
  packaging 'jar'

  # Optional
  classifier 'sources'


Custom Resource for finding an artifact by name or checksum


Name Type Description Default Required
endpoint String artifactory server url resource name no
username String artifactory credentials - username n/a no
password String artifactory credentials - password n/a no
search_type String Search type to find artifact. Valid values are 'name' or any value contained in property checksums 'name' yes
search String search term to find artifact. Either the name or checksum, as specified by search_type n/a yes
destination String Directory for artifact to be downloaded to Chef::Config['file_cache_path'] no
property_hash Hash{String => String} Hash of properties to add or replace if they already exist n/a no
download_path Identity Location artifact is downloaded to destination/artifact.basename n/a
checksums Array[String] valid values for search_type (other than 'name') ['md5', 'sha1'] no


Name Description Default
:download Downloads artifact found yes
:add_properties Merges property_hash with the artifact found no


artifact_location = artifactory_rest_artifact 'http://artifactory.mycompany.com' do
  username 'my_user'
  password 'my_password'
  search_type 'sha256'
  search '3915ed48d8764758bacb5aa9f15cd276'
  destination '/my_artifacts/this_artifact_type'
  checksums %w(sha256 sha1 md5)

puts "artifact exists at #{artifact_location.download_path}"
artifactory_rest_artifact 'http://artifactory.mycompany.com' do
  username 'my_user'
  password 'my_password'
  search_type 'sha256'
  search '3915ed48d8764758bacb5aa9f15cd276'
  property_hash {'chef.cookbook.download_date' => Time.now.utc, 'it.hasbeen.downloaded' => 'true'}
  checksums %w(sha256 sha1 md5)
  action :update_properties



Name Type Description Default Required
version String Version of the gem or 'latest' resource name no
source String Source of the gem n/a no


Name Description Default
:install Installs the artifactory gem and makes it ready for use immediately at compile time yes
:remove Uninstalls the artifactory gem no


artifactory_rest_gem 'latest' do
  source '/my/local/gem/dl'
artifactory_rest_gem '2.3.0'do

License and Authors

License: See the LICENSE file in this repository.