
testing participatory mapping with Google Forms and Leaflet

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


testing participatory mapping with Google Forms and Leaflet


Create or adapt an existing light-weight Leaflet map code for participatory mapping data collection and subsequent display of results for all submissions. Users click and place icons on the map (e.g. places where they currently like to exercise), and when submitting their responses, results for each type of marker are saved with lat/lng and timestamp in a Google Sheet or CSV file, to be displayed later as a heatmap.


This code demo does not work. Instead, see participatory mapping demos by Google Maps Mania on Glitch https://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/2020/02/wheres-border.html


Adapted from https://github.com/HarryatBigWater/harryatbigwater/tree/master/participatory_mapping_planning (unlicensed), who also displays this code on his consulting web page: https://www.bigwaterconsulting.net/participatory-mapping. He adapted it from https://aogdp.github.io/gpsform/ (unlicensed), which uses pop-up forms for textual descriptions, not icons, and see also these OLD instructions from aogdp

Big issues

  • map_survey.html code from original author seems to have hard-coded responses rather than collecting actual user data
  • display.html code seems to rely on Google Sheets v3, no longer functional, and unclear if v4 allows data storage in same way

testing demo


Google Form public view https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgy2P7FZNbFn1_DdTN6j7UuTyT_F_RgKS4u0-wFeS2fstj3g/viewform

Google Form author view https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1p2zm6g9cCGzJVE2DpbAnHQFceM5127HyIjRd3s4FlKo/edit

Linked Google Sheet responses https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D6skRCvkF4DNIAlbpGhbLxCF5rSAH4U9GV_32Twxibs/edit#gid=155169481

Published Google Sheet of responses https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT-BkdLXpNn6-VA4wzs5bvUvEfFl8P-sUfN5-5Lf8NV4blrEYbWQN-Sci8Ov52XHepy6x6QBNwyW4NG/pubhtml

New Instructions in-progress

  1. Fork a copy of the code from GitHub
  2. Open the original Google Form, and make a copy to your Google Drive. The original contains short-answer questions for: ip address, markerA, markerB, markerC. Unclear if IP address is appropriate to collect, and format of other variables
  3. In your new Google Form > Responses, create a new linked Google Sheet in your Google Drive to collect responses
  4. Make a copy of the Google Sheet (with responses to your Google Form) to your Google Drive
  5. Pre-fill your Google Form to create appropriate variables for your responses. Unclear about format of variables
  6. File>Share>Publish your Google Sheet responses to the web

Old instructions: The prefilled form will look something like this:


In the code repo, open map_survey.html and change these variables to match yours: Old instructions: ISSUES Unclear if formID comes from Published or Author view

 var formId = 'Your Form Id';
 var formLat = 'Longitude id from prefilled form';
 var formLng = 'Latitude id from prefilled form';
 var formText = 'Description id from prefilled form';
 var gsheet = 'sheet id';

Also see Google formResponse ID hardcoded around line 364

In the code repo, open display.html and make edits to display results. This is not working, perhaps due to Google Sheets v3?

Host your updated code on the web using GitHub Pages or your own webserver.


  • change basemap
  • add search
  • add current user location
  • show layers of existing bike lanes, etc.