
A user-powered rent accountability app built with React, Node/Express, PostgreSQL, and the Google Maps API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RentProof is a rent accountability app that tracks user-supplied market data.

The idea behind the project is for unbiased members of the public to contribute rental price data so that a detailed history of rental prices can be established for individual properties and regional markets. This empowers renters by providing them with a single repository for rental price data so they can quickly identify high-performing from low-performing properties over time. In the spirit of the app, RentProof is designed as a not-for-profit service that could be pitched to interested agencies in the public sector.

Project Screenshots

Responsive Design


Home Page


Colour Coded Markers


Add Price


Admin Approval


Tech Stack

React React Router NodeJS Express.js PostgreSQL JavaScript HTML5 SASS Google Maps API


  1. Clone this repository. $ git clone https://github.com/JackDuluoz/RentProof

  2. Run npm install from the root directory of the project.

  3. Run npm install from inside the client directory.

$ cd RentProof
$ npm install
$ cd client
$ npm install
  1. Database

The database requires postgreSQL to be installed on your local machine. The .env.example file in the root directory details the credentials used to access the database on our local machines. Create your own psql database, copy the .env.example file to .env, and fill in your own postgreSQL configuration credentials.

Install PostgreSQL

The database can then be seeded and reset using npm run reset in the command line using your chosen password.

  1. Set environment variables.

Create a .env file in the client directory and insert your own placeholder values.

Create a Google API Key

  1. Start the back end from the root directory of the project. $ npm run dev

  2. Start the front end from inside the client directory. $ npm start


Michael Green @michaelgreen


Built with James Brown and Hadley Sutherland. We had a lot of fun putting this together. Thanks guys!