
A twitter clone project, to help students gain front-end dev chops. Starter (incomplete) code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tweeter Project

Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone.

The project was built using HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, and AJAX in order to develop front-end web development skills. Responsive design was also implemented, which allows the app to be used in mobile (< 768px), tablet (768 - 1024px), and desktop (> 1024px) screen sizes.

Final Product

"Tablet UI" "Mobile UI" "Desktop UI"

Getting Started

  1. Create a new repository using this repository as a template.
  2. Clone your repository onto your local device.
  3. Install dependencies using the npm install command.
  4. Start the web server using the npm run local command. The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.


  • body-parser: ^1.15.2
  • chance: ^1.0.2
  • express: ^4.13.4
  • md5: ^2.1.0