A Fabric mod to find items in nearby inventories.
You can contribute at https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=FWkLQzLyw4. You will be credited under the name used in POEditor; if you want it to be under a different name please leave an issue or contact me.
Current translation targets (as of 2021/09/10):
English (reference)
Chinese (100%)
✅ -
Croatian (100%)
✅ -
French (90%)
German (93%)
Italian (93%)
Korean (37%)
Polish (93%)
Portuguese (0%)
Russian (100%) ✅
Slovenian (37%)
Spanish (81%)
Swedish (50%)
Turkish (93%
Welsh (0%)
If your language isn't listed, feel free to make an issue requesting it.
is used from WorldEditCUI and is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
All other code and resources are licensed under the MIT license.
See the fabric.mod.json