
Generate incs files easily with png images.

Primary LanguageShell


English | 中文

A shell script and an app are provided for you to easily generate an icns file with a png image in macOS.


Both tools use built-in tools in the terminal in macOS.
You can check these paths below to see if they are already exist and executable.

sips: /usr/bin/sips
iconutil: /usr/bin/iconutil

The size of your source image should be suitable for an icon, which is better to be 1024x1024 pixels.
The sample.png is provided for testing.


1. png2icns.sh

Simply run the png2icns.sh and then specify the path to your source png image. The icns flie will be generated and saved on your desktop.

$ git clone https://github.com/JackJuly/png2icns.git
$ cd png2icns
$ chmod u+x png2icns.sh
$ ./png2icns.sh
Please enter the path to your source PNG image: [path your source png]

2. IconTool.app

Open the dmg file, then drag the IconTool.app to Applications and click to run.
Just simply choose a png image and the icns flie will be generated and saved on your desktop.
This app is created using the Automator.app in macOS.