Octopus Deploy - Release Retention

Retain releases based on recency.


Not familiar with nuanced C# idioms so if you see something weird syntax-wise, that's why!

For the sake of simplicity only dependency is the standard library.


Retain Releases

A release can be in 3 non-exclusive states:

  1. active: belongs to an active project
  2. deployed: has an associated deployment
  3. orphaned: has no active project

Sort releases by most recent first. Retain n releases per project. Retain all deployed releases regardless of n. Do not retain any underployed orphans.

Retain Deployments

  1. group together project and environment data deployment-wise
  2. sort by recency (DeployedAt)
  3. take n most recent deployments


Retain Releases

  • deployed releases should be retained

    If a release is deployed that indicates it should be kept to maintain reproducibility.

  • orphaned releases should not be retained (unless deployed)

    A deleted project indicates that releases associated with it are garbage, unless explicitly in use.

  • recent releases should be retained on a per-project basis

    Considering all projects in a single bucket will cause contention between the releases: if project A had n recent releases then project B releases would be garbage collected. Not good.

  • receny is preferred to deployment

    It is not clear whether recency should be preferred over deployment. If deployment is preferred then deployed releases would not consume n.

Retain Deployments

  • up to n deployments are retained for every project-environment pair
  • deleted projects and associated data are not retained

Meta assumptions

  • simple command line interface

    Library is abstracted to easy to plug into a different entry point eg an HTTP server.

  • read data of disk for convenience

    In reality this data probably comes over the network from a database.

  • data stored in flat List

    1. Easy queries via LINQ.
    2. No data access patterns to optimise for.
  • simple data as structs

    Communicates that the data is plain. Could help performance at scale.