
Predict Effect of SNPs without having internet access nor large cache data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CherSNP ver.0.2

I broke everything

Don't try to run all the code now!

If you insist: python3 train.py --fasta data/Chr14.fasta --gff data/Chr14.gff --mode hasRNA python3 tester.py --fasta data/TTC5.fasta And it works much better in the case of Covid instead of human genome

Compared with ver.0.1, we need 2 major changes

1st: More generalized frame -Anze Have classes and functions only defined like: def functionOne (input): return output As the generalized frame defined, we will populate the classes and functions with codes in ver.0.1

2nd: New classifiers Someway somehow utilize gapped-kmer method with part of the seq being constrained(if necessary) 1st question: Do an estimation on required computational power if we use the method:

      Given key (if there is one)
      vectors = []
      for feature f:
        for all observed motif m in look_up_dict[f]:
          a = a coefficient associated with how many times m has been observed in training set
          v = # of shared gapped k-mer(m, input) * a

########### Method 1 should works! ##########
For start site at least.
Tested with estimation.py
But as l and k increase, performance could be affected
Command: python3 estimation.py --fasta data/Cov19/LC593801.1.fasta --dict chr1/Jeanne.js

      Given key (if there is one)
      vectors = []
      for feature f:
        m = most commonly observed motif in look_up_dict[f]
        a = a coefficient associated with how many times m has been observed in training set
        v = # of shared gapped k-mer(m, input) * a

Tune the parameters little bit and try to find how performances could be changed and where is the limit: -Kano? If every thing works fine with L = 50 and k = 6, then we are all good! What if we combine both method through only use top 10% of the commonly seen motifs What if we have larger k values like k >= 6 What if we have each motif m being longer like len(m)>=10