
COMS 4156 Advanced software team project. Reimbursement System, Team Iceberg

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


COMS 4156 Advanced software team project @ Columbia. Team Iceberg. The reimbursement system is based on SpringBoot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf+layui, integrating with external api such as Paypal payout, OAuth, Email sending...

You can check our back-end API document at https://jacksnowwolf.github.io/Iceberg/

Java CI with Maven CodeQL CheckStyle codecov


Our project implement a reimbursement platform to manage reimbursement requests. The application value of the budget reimbursement system is reflected in three functional parts: the budget function; the reimbursement function and the data visualization function. The administrator(e.g. CEO of the company) can create groups. Groups specify different sectors of a company, such as development group, testing group, hr group. Each group can create an account for each employee. Employees can use this account to apply for financial reimbursement. The group manager can review and approve employee claims. In addition, the employee can view the financial status of the reimbursement data over a period of time. Through the dashboard, one can see the details of the reimbursements in numbers and different charts in order to insight from historical reimbursements and manage expenses. Please check our doc for detail.

Tech stack

  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
  • Back-end: SpringBoot 2.1.1
    • Database: AWS RDS/Mysql 5.7.27
    • JDK version: 1.8.0_181
    • Java template engine: Thymeleaf
    • Test: Junit 5/4
  • Front-end:
    • Base: Html+Css+JavaScipt
    • Framework: Layui+JQuery




├── doc
├── pic # -> project architecture
├── src 
│   ├── main # -> source code
│   │   ├── java/com/iceberg # -> spring boot back-end core
│   │   │   ├── configs # -> configuration
│   │   │   ├── controller # -> handle the navigation between the different views
│   │   │   ├── dao # -> data access object
│   │   │   ├── entity # -> data model
│   │   │   ├── externalapi # -> external api used in our reimbursement system
│   │   │   ├── service # -> methods used by controller
│   │   │   ├── utils # -> support
│   │   │   └── IcebergApplication.java # -> starter
│   │   └── resources # -> front-end core
│   │       ├── mappers # -> spring boot mabatis mapper files
│   │       ├── static # -> packages used in front-end
│   │       ├── templates # -> HTML files shown in front-end
│   │       └── application.yml # -> setting
│   └── test # -> all tests (63) 
├── sql # -> sql back up file
├── .circleci
├── .github/workflows
└── README.md


Environment Dependencies

  • install maven
  • install java 8
  • mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true download prerequisites dependencies without test. If failed, please mvn clean first.


# After git clone the respository
mvn spring-boot:run

Then the spring boot application is running on localhost:8080.

We have already configured an AWS database (icegerg) for the system. If failed or slow, you can create a local database iceberg and edit the connection string in application.yml. The back up file in sql folder is created for you.

How to test


mvn test


mvn surefire:test



  • Optimize backend controller structure.
  • Beatify frontend code.
  • Decouple frontend and backend.


All Four of our team try our best to contribute to this project.


Thanks to Professor Gail Kaiser, the instructor of our course, who brought us to the Software Development world and let us realize the importance of the workflow processes, techniques and "best practices" software engineers need to know to develop consumer and business software.

Thanks to Rennah Weng, TA of our course, who provided very inspiring and helpful ideas about our reimbursement system.


  • Weijie Huang wh2447: email
  • Zeyang Chen zc2483: email
  • Wenjie Chen wc2685: email
  • Chong Hu ch3467: email


Copyright (c) 2020, Iceberg. All rights reserved.

The code is distributed under a MIT license. See LICENSE for information.