
This Toon app gives you a Count Down function on your Toon. Also a Count Up so you can see how much time passed.

Primary LanguageQML

This app gives you a Count Down and Count Up function on your Toon.

The app has a Tile and a Setup Screen.

Look in the screenshots folder when you want to see some previews.

The Setup Screen :

Click on the Tile to start this screen.
Here you use a switch to select either Count Down or Count Up.
You enter a name for the event and the date and time you want to count down to or start counting from.
When the count down is reached the screen will show the name of the event in changing colors.
There is also a Test button on the screen showing what will be shown after the count down is reached.
You stop the flashing screen of the count down by a simple click on the screen.

The Tile :

Shows a message explaining it needs a setup or :
In case of Count Down it shows a count down in days, hours, minutes and seconds in 10 seconds steps.
In case of Count Up it starts counting from the moment you configured in the Setup.

On the Setup Screen there are also some buttons with preconfigured / calculated days like New Year, Easter etc.
Some of them have a number at the end indicating the month / day.
This is because the date for mothers day is not calculated the same everywhere.
The same goes for fathers day.
Make sure to make the right selection 🙂
In case of Count Down the buttons generate the first day in the future.
In case of Count Up the buttons generate the last day in the past.

You need the Tile to start the configuration screen and you can put the Tile anywhere on your Toon.
So you may always see the running count or.........
Since your Toon can have more pages with Tiles you can also put it on a page you do not see.
The count will still work but you will not see the count on the Tile.
May be nice when you want to surprise someone.

You can install this app manually without ToonStore :

  • Open an sftp tool like WinScp/Mozilla on Windows to browse to your Toon.
  • On your Toon go to /qmf/qml/apps and create a folder countDown.
  • In that folder you put at least the qml files.
  • Restart the GUI. ( On your Toon go to > Settings > TSC > Restart GUI )
  • After that you can add a tile named 'Count Down'.

Thanks for reading and enjoy.