
my dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

my dotfiles

These are my dotfiles. I do not recommend installing this repo as-is! Please clone them and modify or take bits and pieces.

These dotfiles are managed with chezmoi.

The state of this repo before converting to chezmoi is available on the "before-chezmoi" tag https://github.com/joemiller/dotfiles/tree/before-chezmoi


Install chezmoi


brew install twpayne/taps/chezmoi

Linux / other:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joemiller/dotfiles/master/install-chezmoi.sh | bash
sudo mv chezmoi /usr/local/bin

Install 1password (op binary). This is optional if you're not me. You will be prompted Enable templates that require 1password? y/n? n when running chezmoi init later. Enter n if you do not intend to use 1password. This will prevent the rendering of 1password secrets.

The files that use 1password secrets can be find by running grep -R onepassword ..

Install dotfiles

Run chezmoi init to clone this repo to ~/.local/share/chezmoi:

chezmoi init https://github.com/joemiller/dotfiles.git

Check out the ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml config file and customize it for the local machine:

chezmoi edit-config

Deploy rendered dotfiles:

TIP: Run chezmoi diff before apply to see the changes chezmoi will make

chezmoi apply

setup zsh environment

source ~/.zshrc

install powerline-go

The zsh theme will attempt to use powerline-go if it's available in $PATH. If not available it falls back to a simpler theme.

powerline-go can be installed by running:

# alternatively, if ~/.bin is not in $PATH:

vim / neovim

Install neovim / vim plugins:

# neovim

# vim

nerd fonts

A lot of the editor and terminal configs require Nerd Fonts installed.

Install nerd font pkgs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/readme.md)

git clone git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts.git --depth=1
cd nerd-fonts; ./install.sh
rm -rf -- nerd-fonts


The ./dev directory contains sample Dockerfiles useful for standing up a temporary environment for testing chezmoi without risking your existing dotfile setup.


Update antigen:

curl -L git.io/antigen > dot_antigen.zsh
chezmoi apply

git commit changes