This is the sharing weekly technical in the company.
1.Android command filter.
2.Android 6.0 Permissions.
There are several efficient ways to build a personal blog for free(免费搭建个人博客的几种高效方案): link:
1.Chinese Copywriting Guidelines
Note:It's really important for you to get good habit of using Chinese and English together,also the punctuation.
2.Car Self-Driving System
1.Usage of api notification html5.(
2.History of JavaScript.(
3.Usage of nodejs.(
1.How to get a better rest?
Author phodal
[@ThoughtWorks] (
Agile Project Management
2.How to write?
1° .txt .doc/.docx
2° Wiz Note Evernote Youdao Note
3° myBase
4° CSDN Jianshu Cnblogs
5° Wordpress Github + Jekyll
6° Gitbook
3.Listen English podcast
Note:The best way for you to listen the podcast above is podcast on iOS,and for Android platform,I recommended you that BeyondPod/DoggCatcher/PocketCast/podcast addict and so on.
for Android Developers
2°.TheContext #androidev
for iOS Developers
1°.The Podcast
2°.iOS Bytes
for Designers
1°.Design Details
1.Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application.
2.Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks, but you retain full control over your project structure and setup. Carthage does not automatically modify your project files or your build settings.
1.WeChat Web App Analysis
Part A
Part B
2.Cross Platform App Development
1、iOS Slide Menu WidgetMMDrawerController
2、Multi-modality UILabel Effectuation Accompany with Image:
NSMutableString *mString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ < %@>",model.baby_name,model.age]]; NSMutableAttributedString *attributeString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:mString]; NSString *nameString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ",model.baby_name]; // caculate the size of special words [attributeString addAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:SysFont(20),NSForegroundColorAttributeName:RGB(53, 98, 159)} range:NSMakeRange(0, nameString.length)]; [attributeString addAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:SysFont(12),NSForegroundColorAttributeName:RGB(53, 98, 159)} range:NSMakeRange(nameString.length, 1)]; NSString *babyBirthString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@>",model.age]; [attributeString addAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:SysFont(12),NSForegroundColorAttributeName:RGB(53, 98, 159)} range:NSMakeRange(mString.length -babyBirthString.length, babyBirthString.length)]; //caculate the image location CGSize size = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",nameString] sizeWithWidth:300 withFont:20 fontName:FontName]; UIImageView *sexImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(size.width - 5, 8, 10, 14)]; NSString *sexImgString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[model.baby_sex isEqualToString:@"f"]?@"ic_home_profile_female":@"ic_home_profile_male"]; [sexImageView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:sexImgString]]; // locate the image in director location。 [_nameLabel addSubview:sexImageView]; _nameLabel.attributedText = attributeString;
3、Flip-Rotation Menu Effection :
[self.subviews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(__kindof UIView * _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { if ([obj isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]] && obj.tag >= 100) { obj.hidden = NO; [obj addTarget:self action:@selector(clickWithTag:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3f animations:^{ = ;//设置旋转角度 obj.transform = 设置位置// } completion:^(BOOL finished) { [UIView animateWithDuration:0.2f animations:^{ = ;//设置第二次动画旋转角度 obj.transform = //设置第二次动画的位置 } completion:^(BOOL finished) { // 动画结束操作 }]; }]; } }];
4、Communicated Project Detail 。
- Quick Search Tool Everything
- pAndroid Studio Color Themes](
Usage: Download, Import(File-->Import Setting-->) ,Select the downloaded jar package,OK,Restart;
6.Android Studio插件整理
Android Android中子线程真的不能刷新UI吗?
Android 中try cath finally详解
Android中如何去动态截取图片任意位置,使用任意的形状截取? 关键代码:RoundImageView
About HUAWEI's agile development document
Primary Code (翻页效果解析主要代码):
//计算旋转角度angle,设定3D旋转 CGFloat newRatio = MIN(MAX(ratio, -1), 1); //计算m34 CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity; transform.m34 = 1.0 / - 2000; // m34表示透视效果,默认值是0(1/D),表示的是无穷远( D无穷大)。当D越小,也就是m34越接近1,透视效果越明显。 CGFloat angle = 0.0f; if (indexPath.item % 2 == 0) { //中心线在左边 angle = (1 - newRatio) * (-M_PI_2); } else if (indexPath.item % 2 == 1) { angle = (1 + newRatio) * (M_PI_2); } angle += (indexPath.row % 2) / 1000; transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, angle, 0, 1, 0);
Java Annotation:Java Annotation
A guide of very practical and convenient plug-ins for Xcode.
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1.Android Recommended quality resources(优质信息源推荐)
2.Valuable resources(干货集中营)
每日分享妹子图 和 技术干货,还有供大家中午休息的休闲视频。
Android develop technical weekly(开发技术周报)
Android Weekly
Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.
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为开发者提供最全面的API服务,汇集了国内外应用开发所需要的Android API/SDK,iOS SDK,WindowsPhone SDK,涉及设计开发,运维服务,云服务,市场推广,数据服务...
iOS Third part database library comparing
1.Android : Custom dynamic graph
1.iOS Knowledge summary
Android:Spherical rolling progress bar
Plug-in sharing
1.Tool class TextColorFilterTool
2.view Water animation SXWaveAnimate
3.symbolicatecrash nalytical log
####Code ORMLite
Android :Retrofit source code analysis and the use of MVP framework package
About java multi thread
iSO:a summary of GCD's introduction and basic usage
1.It's an profile about GCD, include it's advantage,core conceptsand, how to work, and the steps to use it.
2.The datailed introduction about GCD' core conceptsand works.
3.The datailed Uses of GCD. Include dispatch_after, dispatch_once, dispatch_group, Multi-threaded programming and dispatch_barrier_async.
4.At last, a summary of some details and considerations of using GCD issues.
For the detailed contents, You can visit my personal blog.
iSO:a summary about how to choosing a library of network requests
By comparing the most popular librarys recently, including ASIHTTPRequest, AFNetworking, MKNetworkKit and YTKNetwork, get the following conclusions:
1.ASIHTTPRequest: (
a classic network request frame. ASIHTTPRequest is packaged on the C' CFNetwork, so it's the most powerfulnetwork framework and
have many considerable advantages.ASIHTTPRequest could meet any needs of function, but It hasn't been updated for a long time and cause lots of bug and compatibility Issues, so abandon it.
2.AFNetworking: (
The most popular network request frame, it has 25953 star on GitHub now. the difference to ASIHTTPRequest is AFNetworking
ispackaged on the OC' NSURLSession and NSURLConnection. AFNetworking is not stronger than ASIHTTPRequest, but AFNetworking focus on network data transmission, network and multi-threaded processing and it is very simple to use.So is AFNetworking is recommended.
3.MKNetworkKit: (
MKNetworkKit is very easy to use, but functional and powerful, it is a total iOS network programming code libraries, based on the
ARC entirely. MKNetworkKit has only two classes, the goal of MKNetworkKit is to use like AFNetworking simply, but have powerful functions like ASIHTTPRequest.Although it have many advantages,but various CRASH,debugging useless and lack of datas is MKNetworkKit's fatal flaw.
4.YTKNetwork: (
YTKNetwork is a iOS network library packaged based AFNetworking by YTK iOS development team, it provides a set of High Level API
and higher level of network access abstraction.Such as legitimacing by time or version number requested content caching network, check the returned JSON content, batch network request filter and plug-in mechanism and so so. So if you wanan do that's fountions, YTKNetwork is recommended.
For a summary, AFNetworking and YTKNetwork are recommended for diffrient needs and their different functions.
Retrofit+okhttp network framework introduction.
1.photoshop cc install package and Crack(See attachments photoshop cc Crack)
2.Make gif image
1.iOS memory management
1.Google I/O 2016 视频中文字幕版
2.Google I/O 2016 Summary
2.The is iOS Warning summary:Warning summary and iOS about Suggestions on Internationalization。
1.Do not add unique character information,Make another system can't be recognized as an international.
2.iOS image Internationalization add to key value
3.Android and iOS need to be effective.
Here is the use of log and Alipay use source code.
Reference: [Log][日志的使用方法.docx) [Alipay][ [MainActivity][
- The API of CoreBluetooth developing
this demo is about the CoreBluetooth library
1, The colour disk
this demo is about the colour disk,About HSV, Shader and so on knowledge
2, Eclipse JAD plug-in installed
That's a summary about CocoaPods, CocoaPods is a very powerful tool to manager third part classlib in an iOS Project. The summary contains two parts about CocoaPods:
1.How to use CocoaPods to manager third part classlib in your iOS Project.
2.How to make you own pravite classlib by CocoaPods.
For the detailed content, you can download the "iSO-Summary about CocoaPods" to look up.
1.About Github,just wait me to update my blog to give you full of it.
1.About database lock
1.who's the 100 users of Github?
2.How to improve the programmer's impact?
@jarylan 1.RecyclerView Move and Swipe 2.Android Studio all plug
1.Android open source code-UI
There are twenty-two recommended collection of Android open source code.
This project provides you a convenient way to use and customise a SwitchButton widget in Android.
1.Less Baidu,More Google.Less Baidu Baike,More Wikipedia.
2.Recommend you using AUTHY to deal with your Github two-factor security.
3.Don’t call yourself Android/iOS/Java Programmer,because you are Programmer!
####1.Android:DL frame work
The DL framework can run without being installed on the APK。
Reference address:
####2.React Native
React Native combines the advantages of Web applications and Native applications,Can use JavaScript to develop iOS and Android native applications.Use JavaScript to develop Can iOS and Android native applications.In JavaScript with React Abstract operating system native UI components, instead of DOM elements to render, etc.. React Native Facebook in a number of application products.
Official documents:
wiki documents:
####Android:Custom EQ view
Github Repositories:
Blog article:
####1.iOS:the options of AVAudioSession
@arrfu demo:
####2.iOS:getting the picture color demo
- (UIColor*)getPixelColorAtLocation:(CGPoint)point inImage:(UIImage *)image formImageRect:(CGRect)Rect;
@arrfu demo:
####1.iOS:A summary of iOS APP read local audio resource.(three different situations)
A iOS APP read local audio resource at three different situations follow:
- The audio download by third-part Audio Player.
- The audio download by third-part Apple Music.
- The audio copied by USB from a computer.
Here is the adress contains a detailed summary and a Demo:
####2.iOS:A convenient third-part named MMPlaceHolder.
It can show a view's width and height intuitively,it's very convience for our programmer and it's very easy to use.
Reference:(contain Effect Picture and Demo)
####3.a pragrammer requisite helper:Dash-a powerful API reader As a coder,Dash will be you best helper for your coding, It's not only an API Documentation Browser,but also a Code Snippet Manager.but it can only support Mac system, the vision for windows system will be pushed soon. For windows user recommend Velocity.
About Dash's the detailed function can refer to:
You can download Dash at App Store:
Velocity download adress:
####4.a simple tool named LICEcap can recording GIF document.
It can support both Mac system and Windows system.
download adress:
Here is a brief introduction of the ant algorithm and code.
Reference: [Aco][ [Ant][ [Main][
####1.Android reverse analysis tools
Not only the Reverse analysis is a technology,but also is an art.Android reverse also can be subdivided into the application layer framework APK reverse, android devices, such as the kernel driver reverse, based on the android hardware products.
###2.Wifi Library for Android
####1.Android Studio Live Templates
If better for faster programming?it is Android Studio Live Templates.
Network address:
Interesting algorithm。
Algorithm address:
It's a full springmvc with note。
Here is the open source project's address:
####1.A summary of writing Android Javadoc documentation.
It's very important for you to master the writing of Android Javadoc documentation,especially when you are developing a SDK.
####2.Alexa Rank
Alexa Rank is a global website ranking system.
Global Top 10 websites:
Alexa Rank:56
Alexa Rank:90
####3.Github Rank
Github Rank is an interesting rank for you to know that who contributes most and who has the largest followers,and who has the longest streak and so on.
Github Official Rank
OutOfMemory Github Rank
Github Rank
####4.Mobile Internet Community
Now we have more and more professional and the exact area community for the mobile internet.For example,稀土 and 程序员客栈 for you to find the excellent people int the area of mobile internet.
####1.Use GitHub to create a blog
This is the article I wrote about it.利用github创建自己的博客.
####1.Why C language has the function name with abbreviation,for example,"printf",but why some other programming language Objective-C has the long and full function name?
I think one of the most important is that we have excellent IDE for coding.We can easily remembered by the IDE reminder,we don't need to remember every word of the function name and also we are easy to know what this function does from the long and full name of the function.But we need to remember the full function name while we didn't have the excellent IDE before!
####2.Why Objective-C .m files use m extension?
From the book "Learn Objective-C on the Mac" by Mark Dalrymple and Scott Knaster, page 9:
"The .m extension originally stood for "messages" when Objective-C was first introduced, referring to a central feature of Objective-C [...]"
####3.How to solve the problem that when we add .gitignore file after you have already commited,or you have modified the .gitignore file while .gitignore file has no effect?
A:In the Git code management,when we add .gitignore file after you have already commited,or you have ADDED some files,directories or kinds of files.The following git command will help you to make the .gitignore file effect:
git rm -r –cached .
git add .
git commit -m "Refresh .gitignore file."
A:In the Git code management,when we have REMOVED some files,directories or kinds of files.The following git command will help you to make the .gitignore file effect:
git add -f *.[file type]
git commit -m "Refresh removing *.* from .gitignore file."
####4.Programming Font
Programming Font have the following features:
2.Easy to recognize [‘i’, ‘1’, ‘l’] , [‘0′, ‘o’, ‘O’] and so on.
3.Support extension charset.
Here is a programming fonts collection git repository on Github collected by ifeegoo:
####1.Computer crawl
Web crawler (also known as Web Spider, Web robot, in the middle of the FOAF community, more often referred to as page Chaser), is in accordance with certain rules, programs or scripts that automatically crawl the world wide web of information.Other less frequently used names are ants, automatic indexing, simulation program, or worm.
Here is the open source project's address
####1.Supporting Multiple Screens
Considerating of the Android screen fragmentation serious , each Android smartphone screen has a fixed initial density, these Numbers are 120, 160, 240, 320 and 480. We are known as the "density" system.Android to zoom ratio of interface elements on the basis of density is system, not the actual density.So we just try to fit the density, can be in most of the normal operation of the smartphone.
####1.Computer crawl
Web crawler (also known as Web Spider, Web robot, in the middle of the FOAF community, more often referred to as page Chaser), is in accordance with certain rules, programs or scripts that automatically crawl the world wide web of information.Other less frequently used names are ants, automatic indexing, simulation program, or worm.
Here is the open source project's address