
Analysis of Bitcoin's on-chain data using distributed system

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Setting Environment

Install Anaconda for virtual python environments. Run following command in bash to ensure same working configuration.

# create new env in Anaconda, python=3.6
conda create -n env_name python=3.6
conda activate env_name
# install pyspark
conda install pyspark=2.3
# install numpy
conda install numpy
# install requests
conda install requests
# install sklearn
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn
# install jupyter lab
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab=2
# matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
# install java
conda install -c conda-forge openjdk=8
# check java version
java -version

Fetching Bitcoin Data

Block files store the raw blocks as they were received over the network, which are about 128 MB, allocated in 16 MB chunks to prevent excessive fragmentation.

To understand the blockchain raw file structure, we suggest going through the following links:

Noted they are different representations for the same block with hash: 0000000000000000000304ad8a7cb419a8889c09a74317df07b681e2d3d1a7fb

Get single raw block data

Wget is useful for downloading a single block raw data, which saves the same block shown above into "block706515.blk" file:

wget -O block706515.blk "https://blockchain.info/rawblock/0000000000000000000098ff7f0a7841b836064a4e46617e24f51164e626e043?format=hex"

Get multiple raw block data

Please refer to the get_block_uilts.py for detail script function for downloading multiple raw block data file. You can choose to download either by block heights blocks_JSON_by_height or time period blocks_blk_by_hash where the blocks are created.

You can also refer to single_node_download.ipynb for complete local downloading workflow.

Interpreting raw block data

Noted that 1 BTC = 1e8 satoshi(the smallest unit of Bitcoin)

Constructing Dataset

  1. Download raw data into data directory. You would see data/Blocks_612866_610546 directory by default.
src/test$ python test_multi_download.py
  1. Transforming raw data into dataset.

Please use hdfs_process_test.py in test, which will generate example result in the data/ folder, or the cluster-ready verison hdfs_process.py.

data format:

[time, nBits, value, in_count, out_count, count, value_min, value_max in_count, in_min, in_max, out_count, out_min, out_max]

  • time: Epoch & Unix Timestamp
  • value: $10^{-8}$ BTC
  1. Result aggregation using result_merging_augmentation.ipynb

Constructing Models

Please visit Model_Day.ipynb report for code and instruction regards to modeling using daily aggregated data, and Model_Hour.ipynb for working with hourly aggregated data.


Please refer to our paper for more detail.