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Hi there, I'm Navendu 👋 I am looking for a job!

I am a Machine Learning Engineer working on bringing Deep Learning in edge devices. I work mostly with TensorFlow, TensorFlow JS, TensorFlow Lite and Keras. Before that I used to develop apps for web and mobile.

You will find projects related to Machine Learning and Computer Vision, TensorFlow, UI builds for web and mobile in my repos. Look below to find projects that I am really proud of!

Looking to write an AWESOME README??? ✍️

Here is my recent article on how to write an Awesome README.

The GitHub repo can be found here.

I'm currently working on... 🔨 I NEED HELP!

NSFW Filter- A web extension that uses in-browser Machine Learning to filter out Not-Safe-For-Work images from websites.

It uses a pre-trained model that checks images for NSFW content. If such content is found, it would replace those images with a random image from Unsplash.

We have just released v1.0, feel free to check it out!

Projects I love... 🥰

Teachable Machine Stars

A teachable image classifier that runs on any browser built using TensorFlow JS.

Virtual Drums Stars

A virtual drum set built using Open CV.

Food Delivery App UI Stars

A UI for a food delivery app developed using Flutter for iOS and Android.

What I am upto when I am not busy trying to escape the Matrix... 🕺

You would find me with a book, playing my bass or hanging out with the squad.


Navendu's github stats

Cover photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels