
A few little scripts for things I do often so that I can type less.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Sponsor on GitHub License: Apache-2.0

A few little scripts for things I do often so that I can type less or make fewer clicks.
I'm just a bit lazy...

Scripts that aren't OS-specific (bin/virt-*, bin/*.cmd, ahk_scripts/*) have been tested on Linux and Windows.
bin/virt-* scripts are Linux-specific and require libvirt and virtinst packages.
bin/*.cmd and ahk_scripts/* scripts are Windows-specific.


To use the scripts in this repo, you should first clone it:

git clone https://github.com/Jackenmen/little-helpers

Scripts from the bin/ directory

After you have the repository cloned into a folder, you just need to add the REPO_PATH/bin folder to your PATH.

Scripts prefixed with git- are meant to be ran through git, i.e. as git pp, not git-pp.
This is possible thanks to git's support for external commands.

Scripts from the ahk_scripts/ directory

AutoHotkey scripts need to be lanched on system startup.
For ease, I made another AHK script (start_all_ahk_scripts.ahk) that starts all the scripts from the ahk_scripts folder.
You should just add a shortcut to it in the shell:startup folder, and the script will ensure that any scripts in the ahk_scripts folder, will launch during system startup.

If you want to ignore some of those scripts, you can put the names (including the .ahk extension) of them in the start_all_ahk_scripts.ignore file.

Available scripts (bin/ directory)

sp (Windows-only)

This script splits a pane vertically in Windows Terminal and runs the given command in it, while keeping focus on the pane it was ran from.

Usage: sp <command...>

sshvbox (Windows-only)

This script allows you to start an SSH connection to a VirtualBox virtual machine which uses the name that you provided to the command. It is assumed that the machine is running an SSH server and all you really need is to get its IP address.

Handy as it doesn't require you to know VM's IP machine as it's being fetched from VirtualBox automatically.

Usage: sshvbox <machine name>


This script is basically a shorter version of git pull upstream default_branch && git push with a few extra things that ensure, you're in the right branch and it works no matter what name the default branch has.

Note: This works with an assumption that the remote for upstream is called upstream and that the remote for your fork is called origin.


This script fetches and checks out a merge commit of the pull request with a given number.

Usage: git checkoutpr <pr_number> [branch]

When branch is passed, the script will additionally create a branch from PR's merge branch, rather than only do a checkout to a dangling commit.

Personally, I have this command aliased to git copr to type even less :)

Note: only works on GitHub and other services who provide merge commit refs in a format of: pull/PR_NUMBER/merge


This script just checks out the default branch. I do it all the time, so why not make it simpler?

Personally, I have this command aliased to git cod to type even less :)

Note: This works with an assumption that the default branch is set on a remote called origin


This script shows a deduplicated list of local and remote branches along with tracking remote and last commit's description, date, and its short hash.

The output is sorted in reverse chronological order and additionally favours branches that are local-only or are only on the origin remote by showing them before all other branches. This is meant to make it easier to find your recent work.

Each entry on the branch list takes two lines which, while making it less concise, allows it to show more of the commit message and is, arguably, more readable.


This scripts run a temporary VM with the given Linux image.

Image's default user is set up with the ~/.ssh/id_rsa key and additionally, vm user with vm password and the aforementioned key is also created.

See documentation of vm-image-add for details about image management.

Usage: vm-run <image_name>

The domain (VM) name will be set to tmp-<image_name>, optionally suffixed with a number (tmp-<image_name>-2) when a machine with same name exists.


Connect to a VM created by vm-run or libvirt.

In case of VMs created by vm-run, <vm_name> is equivalent to image name with a tmp- prefix and an optional -N suffix when multiple VMs with same name are running at the same time, e.g. tmp-ubuntu2204 or tmp-ubuntu2204-2.

Usage: vm-connect <vm_name>


Add a Linux VM image for use by vm-run.

Usage: vm-image-add <image_name> <sums_url> <sum_type> <filename_pattern>

The script expects to be able to download a Linux image based on a provided CHECKSUMS file in a format returned by sha256sum/sha512sum program ran with or without --tag option. <filename_pattern> is used to extract the relevant checksum. This setup is generally supported by the data that is provided by the distro maintainers though there are 2 notable outliers:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux - requires subscription
  • Oracle Linux - does not provide checksum file in a parsable format

You can find examples for different distros at: https://github.com/Jackenmen/dotfiles/tree/main/private_dot_config/little-helpers-vm-images


Fetch latest Linux VM image (added through vm-image-add) with the given name.

This tool is typically invoked automatically.

Usage: vm-image-fetch [-f] <image_name>

Without the -f flag, the image only gets fetched when it isn't already in cache.

Available AHK scripts (ahk_scripts/ directory)


This script adds 2 hotkeys:

  • Ctrl+` - Open new Windows Terminal tab/window in the path of active Explorer window


Please see LICENSE file for details. In short, this project is open source and you are free to modify and use my work as long as you credit me.

Jakub Kuczys  ·  GitHub @Jackenmen