
A `neovim` theme that highly restores `vscode`, so that your friends will no longer be surprised that you use `neovim`, because they will think you are using `vscode` ..

Primary LanguageLuaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0



A neovim theme based on visual studio, written in Lua.

It tries to get all the colors in developer mode of vscode, so the simulation is very high.

Install and use

Install via Lazy:

-- lazy
    priority = 100,
    config = function()
            mode = "dark",

Install via Packer:

-- packer
    config = function()
            mode = "dark",

Default configuration

Default config:

local default_config = {
    -- `dark` or `light`
    mode = "dark",
    -- Whether to load all color schemes
    preset = true,
    -- Whether to enable background transparency
    transparent = false,
    -- Whether to apply the adapted plugin
    expands = {
        hop = true,
        lazy = true,
        aerial = true,
        fidget = true,
        null_ls = true,
        nvim_cmp = true,
        gitsigns = true,
        which_key = true,
        nvim_tree = true,
        lspconfig = true,
        telescope = true,
        bufferline = true,
        nvim_navic = true,
        nvim_notify = true,
        vim_illuminate = true,
        nvim_treesitter = true,
        nvim_ts_rainbow = true,
        nvim_scrollview = true,
        indent_blankline = true,
        vim_visual_multi = true,
    hooks = {
        before = function(conf, colors, utils) end,
        after = function(conf, colors, utils) end,

Related functions

The plugin provides some utility functions:

   - get_config()               -- current configuration table
   - get_colors()               -- current color highlight table
   - get_lualine_sections()     -- lualine sections table

   - hl.set(name, options)
   - hl.link(src, dst)
   - hl.get(name, option)
   - hl.bulk_set(groups)


require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.set("Normal", { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"})

require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.link("NormalFloat", "Normal")

require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.get("Normal", "fg")   -- #000000

    Normal = { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"},
    NormalFloat = { link = "Normal" },
    Cursor = { bg = "#0FE1EE", bold = true }

Hooks function

The plugin provides 2 hook functions, which are automatically executed before and after the color is applied:

hooks = {
    before = function(conf, colors, utils) end,
    after = function(conf, colors, utils) end,

Lualine integrated

To quickly get a vscode style statusline, you need to use lualine:

    options = {
        theme = "auto",
        icons_enabled = true,
        component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
        section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
        disabled_filetypes = {},
        globalstatus = true,
        refresh = {
            statusline = 100,
            tabline = 100,
            winbar = 100,
    sections = require("visual_studio_code").get_lualine_sections(),


Extended plugin colors are in the expands directory.


Also, any new PRs are welcome, as I'm not enthusiastic about plugin adaptation, so may need everyone's help to make it better..

Additional considerations

Regarding the bufferline, you need to make sure it has the themable option turned on:

    options = {
        themable = true,

If you need to use the vim_visual_multi plugin adaptation, please add the following code to your init.lua file:

vim.g.VM_Extend_hl = "VM_Extend_hl"
vim.g.VM_Cursor_hl = "VM_Cursor_hl"
vim.g.VM_Mono_hl = "VM_Mono_hl"
vim.g.VM_Insert_hl = "VM_Insert_hl"

If you don't use tmux, try running :set cmdheight=0.

If some nvim-web-devicons icons do not display well in light mode, please tell me the name of the icon, and I will adapt it.