
A website for generating Mandelbrot, Julia, Multibrot, and Multi-Julia sets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FractalGenerator (on-going project)

This projects aims to create a webpage that will allow for a dynamic viewing of the Mandelbrot, Julia, Multibrot, and Multi-Julia set. JavaScript (P5.js) was used for the graphics. The recursive math functions were implemented iteratively to avoid stack overflow.

This project started in early March and is on-going due to its relatively broad scope (web languages and mathematical algorithms).

Note that this is a collaborated project with joshz123. This repository is created with a copy of all the files for people to check out

Goals of the project

  1. Create a dynamic Mandelbrot viewer
  2. Extend the functionality to the filled Julia Sets (animated)
  3. Create a viewer for the Multibrot set
  4. Extend the same Julia Set functionality to the Multibrot set
  5. Provide curious minds about how the algorithm works


  1. Title page of the website with HTML and CSS stylesheet

Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 9 22 19 PM

  1. Mandelbrot set (left) and Julia set (right).
    Due to an on-going problem with some iOS received gif not looping on Github, please click on the gif to see the dynamic output of Julia sets.

Gif of multbrot set and multi-Julia set

As shown in the gif, the animated Julia sets are generated in real-time based on the dynamic cursor coordinates.

  1. Multibrot set with exponent of 3 (left) and Multi-Julia set(right)

Gif of multbrot set and multi-Julia set

  1. User-input exponents (D-value) for the multibrot set with color mapping

Image of integer exponent from 2-9 multibrot sets


Mandelbrot set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set
Julia set / Multi-Julia set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_set
Multibrot set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multibrot_set