
I keep getting distracted by youtube shorts so I decided to fix it

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shorts Blocker

  • How to install:

    1. Download and unzip
    2. Go to Chrome extension manager
    3. Turn on Developer mode on the top right corner
    4. Click "Load Unpacked" on the top left corner
    5. Load the folder you unzipped and load

    Enjoy and stop watching Youtube shorts.

  • How does it work:

    When you open a YouTube shorts after the extension was installed, the extension will close the YouTube shorts page and open a image that encourage you to go to work.

  • Possible future update:

    I want to make something that manipulate the YouTube Recommend page to hide all YouTube Shorts. Because I have never worked with Javascript / HTML / CSS I need to start learning before I can make something that are better than what it is now. So stay tune.