Each folder contains my hand in for that particular lab. However, the exact assignment descriptions are gone sadly enough.
All code has been developed in "Windows Subsystem for Linux" and should work for linux, but I have not tested if it worked for windows. But I believe it should still work for windows. Almost every assignment has a makefile that should allow you to compile the code easiy.
- Python3 for generating the test code.
This is a collection of smaller assignments. It has no makefile.
A Matrix implementation. The folder also contains tests that you can compile using the makefile and run on my matrix implementation.
A complex number implementation. The folder also contains tests that you can compile using the makefile and run on my complex number implementation.
This an implementation of "losing chess" where the goal is to lose all your pieces. To compile the program you can use the makefile. Running it you have to include 2 arguments.
- Send either 'black' or 'white' as first argument for which colour goes first.
- Send either '0' or '1' as second argument for which AI goes first.
A binary tree implementation with balancing. The folder also contains tests that you can compile using the makefile and run on my binary tree implementation.
This is a collection of smaller assignments about concurrency and dependencies. It has no makefile.
A few approximation algorithms of the knappsack problem. Just one file that once compiled and run will printout different approximated solutions depeding on weight.