
Shows how to use Qt widgets only by programming code (c++17).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Qt Examples

shows how to use Qt widgets only by programming code (c++17).

Hello World

HelloWorldEmoticons The classic first application "Hello, world!" with QLabel and emoticons.

HelloWorldLabel The classic first application "Hello, world!" with QLabel.

HelloWorldMessageBox The classic first application "Hello, world!" with QMessageBox.

HelloWorldPaint The classic first application "Hello, world!" with QPainter.

Application and messages

Application shows how to create an application with QApplication.

DarkMode shows how to create a dark mode application.

Common Controls

CheckBox shows how to create a check box with QCheckBox.

CheckedListWidget shows how to create a checked list widget with QListWidget.

ComboBox shows how to create a combo box with QComboBox.

DoubleSpinBox shows how to create a double spin box with QDoubleSpinBox.

LCDNumber shows how to create a LCD number with QLCDNumber.

Label shows how to create a label with QLabel.

LineEdit shows how to create a line edit with QLineEdit.

ListView shows how to create a list view with QListView.

ListView2 shows how to create a list view with QTreeView.

ListWidget shows how to create a list widget with QListWidget.

PictureBox shows how to create a picture box with QLabel.

PictureBox2 shows how to create a picture box with QGraphicsPixmapItem.

ProgressBar shows how to create a ProgressBar with QProgress.

PushButton shows how to create a button and Event Click with QPushButton.

RadioButton shows how to create a radio button with QRadioButton.

Slider shows how to create a slider with QSlider.

SpinBox shows how to create a spin box with QSpinBox.

SpinButton shows how to create a spin button with QSpinBox.

ToggleButton shows how to create a toggle button with QPushButton.

TreeView shows how to create a three view with QTreeView.

TreeWidget shows how to create a three widget with QTreeWidget.

Widget shows how to create a widget with QWidget.

Custom Controls

Line shows how to create a custom widget line with QFrame.


Frame shows how to create a frame with QFrame.

GroupBox shows how to create a group box with QGroupBox.

TabWidget shows how to create a tab widget with QTabWidget.

Window shows how to create a window with QMainWindow.

Menus and toolbars

MenuBar shows how to create a menu bar with QMenu and QAction.

StatusBar shows how to create a status bar with QStatusBar.


Cursors shows how to associate cursor to widget with QCursor.

Timer shows how to create a Timer with QTimer.


ColorDialog shows how to create a ColorDialog with QColorDalog.

FolderBrowserDialog shows how to create a FolderBrowserDialog with QFileDialog.

FontDialog shows how to create a FontDialog with QFontDialog.

MessageBox shows how to create a MessageBox with QMessageBox.

OpenFileDialog shows how to create an OpenFileDialog with QFileDialog.

SaveFileDialog shows how to create an SaveFileDialog with QFileDialog.


LCDNumber2 shows how to create a LCD number with QLCDNumber.

Wiggly shows how to animate a user control using QBasicTimer and timerEvent(). In addition, the example demonstrates how to use QFontMetrics to determine the size of text on screen.


git clone https://github.com/gammasoft71/Examples_Qt.git

Generate and build

Qt Creator

To build these projects, open each project.pro file with Qt Creator.


To build this project, open "Terminal" and type following lines:

Set "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH" with Qt5 install path.

Windows :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
start ./Qt.Examples.sln

macOS :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Xcode"
open ./Qt.Examples.xcodeproj

Linux :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 
cmake --build . --config Debug


This project run with Qt (and CMake).