
Don't ask why I flutter, ask yourself why you dont

Primary LanguageDart

flutterred - A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

Splash Screen

A splash Screen is in the app that pauses the app for at least 5 seconds.

Home Screen

This home screen incorporates an actionbar, side menu drawer. The menu items are:

  1. Info.
  2. Design.
  3. Response.
  4. Dictionary.

General Screens Behaviour

When the menu items are clicked respective screens are opened that updates the actionbar title with a back button on the action button in which the initial screen being the info screen.

The Info Screen

The info screen has a form that captures a user basic information namely:

  1. Full name.
  2. Email address.
  3. Phone number.

A submit button is at the bottom of the form which when clicked does the following actions:

  • Checks if all the info has been entered as required otherwise it will provide a warning via a snackbar showing what is needed.
  • Saves the information via use of shared preferences to be shown in the design screen.
  • Shows a snackbar with a message of success.
  • The Design screen is navigated into after the snackbar showing.

The Design Screen

This is the screen that is navigated into after the information from the Info screen has been saved. It has basically two cards:

  1. User's Name and a placeholder of the user avatar.
  2. User's contact information which is basically the phone number and email address.

The Response Screen

This is a screen with a custom progress indicator and a list view. On navigating to it the screen shows an empty grey space save for the loader that shows somewhere at the center until information from an api call: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos?_limit=5 is returned. If nothing is returned then a error message will be shown on the screen. If there is no internet connectivity also an appropriate message will show on the screen via a dialog box with two buttons: Okay Got it and Retry. The Retry button actually initiates the api request.

The Dictionary Screen

This is a screen with one single card showing a sorted array in form a list in an ascending order. The array is:

Dictionary = {'34': 'thirty-four', '90': 'ninety',
'91': 'ninety-one''21': 'twenty-one',
'61': 'sixty-one', '9': 'nine',
'2': 'two', '6': 'six', '3': 'three',
'8': 'eight', '80': 'eighty', '81': 'eighty-one',
'Ninety-Nine': '99', 'nine-hundred': '900'}

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