Korean phoneme dictionary generator for training Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA)
Recently, the most major issue in Deep-learning based speech synthesis is to estimate duration for parallel(non-autoregressive) mel-spectrogram generation. One of the popular approaches is to use external aligner, replacing convertional attention-based seq2seq models. Recently proposed models such as FastSpeech2(Y. Ren et. al., Microsoft, 2020), Parallel Tacotron(I. Elias et. al., Google, 2020) and others utilize the external aligner and extract duration from text-wav utterances. The extracted durations are used as ground-truth target for training duration predictor. In synthesis-phase, the estimated duration from duration predictor is used to generate mel-spectrogram (or wav-signal) parallely (non-autoregressively).
To get the duration from Korean text-mel datset, we can use Montreal Forced Aligner(MFA) as described in FastSpeech2 paper. However, we must do some hassles. Therefore, this repository offers some references and conviniences to reduce that hassels. Specifically, this repository provides followings:
- <sample.lab, sample.wav> paired structure in
directory - Word-phoneme dictionary applied to Korean phoneme conversion and syllable decomposition (초성, 중성, 종성 분리)
Install dependencies via following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Just run following command:
python main.py
After running, see the results/<dataset_name>/
directory to check the generated word-phoneme dictionary and <sample.lab, sample.wav> paired structure.
To train the Korean MFA model, see this docs and just point the generated dictionary and path to results/<datset_name>/<wav_with_labs>/
- The result of training FastSpeech2 with duration(TextGrid) extracted from pretrained Korean G2P and acoustic model is not good. See the issues for details.
- I used G2PK(K. Park, 2019), a rule-based Korean G2P to convert grapheme to phoneme.
- Currently, only supports emotiontts-open-db dataset(KAIST and Selvas AI, 2020)