
An easy to use text guided inpainting tools using AI models (Replace anything from your pictures)

Primary LanguagePython

Stable Edit

An easy to use web app implementation of text guided image inpainting. (Replace any object or scene you want!)

Sample Demo


Setup Tutorial

Easiest setup by running in colab

  1. Click the link Open in Colab
  2. Click Runtime -> Hardware Accelerator change runtime to GPU for better speed up in generation.
  3. Run the cell in sequence
  4. Once the cell with "Run web app" is running, enter your huggingface access token
  5. Click the generated url from previous cell:

5. Done!


Name Description Default
Steps Number of steps to generate the image. Higher steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the expense of slower inference. 50
Guidance Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text prompt, usually at the expense of lower image quality. 7.5
Brush / Eraser Brush to draw mask on the region to replace/ Eraser to erase the mask
Seed Change the seed num to get different result for same prompt, same seed num will generate same result for same prompt 0
Negative prompt The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation.


  • Add support for stable-diffusion v2 from StabilityAI
  • Support for multiple images generation at once
  • Optimize the inference performance with xformers & TensorRT
  • Support for exemplar guidance from paint-by-example


Huge thanks to runway-ml for the inpainting model, huggingface for providing an easy to use inpainting pipeline.