A FrontEnd web application to create decks of flashcards, which can store these created decks into an api, and upon request, retrieve them to be studied.
-see below for a preview of final product:
When first arriving on the Web application, the user will see this as the Home Page
The User can click on the Create Deck button to bring them to this page, where they can name the deck and give a description
Optionally, the User can click on View to see the Deck chosen and the cards that are in that particular deck
On this page, the User can add new cards to the deck chosen. Each card has a Front and a Back side to it
After selecting a deck to view, the User can click on the Study button to bring them to this page and view the front of the first card, and the flip button to see the back
- Allows for creation of individual decks and to name and categorize subjects
- Allows for the creation of several cards within each individual deck, which includes a front and back side
- Once decks and cards are created with a minimum of 3 cards in a deck, allows user to implement a study view
- Users can delete both decks and cards
Rendering of a full-stack study tool application using React, React hooks and stateful components. Built website routing using React Router and made Fetch API calls using RESTful design principles.
Languages, frameworks, and packages used include:
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript ES6
- React (with hooks)
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd My-Digital-Flashcards npm i npm start
For windows users:
npm run start:react npm run start:server The start command will start two servers concurrently:
An API server, powered by json-server, running on http://localhost:5000 A React application running on http://localhost:3000
_**The code provided shows the FrontEnd design only. Backend server has not been created. The Data -db.json file is to mimic what the server would provide.