
Tutorial for CS169 Discussion Sections

CS169 Week3 Section

A basic tutorial of Sinatra.


This tutorial assumes that you are using the Cloud9 IDE.

Find a partner and begin typing the following exercises. You should alternate who types and who explains the output.

Install the Sinatra Gem

Type the following command in the C9 terminal:

gem install sinatra

Write a Hello World Sinatra App

Create an empty Ruby workspace. In the root directory of your workspace, create a file app.rb. Type the following content in the file:

require "sinatra"

get "/" do
    "Hello, world!"

Start the App

Type the following command in C9 terminal:
Note: Type the following content literally, do not replace anything.

ruby app.rb -p $PORT -o $IP

Try Your App

In your browser, type the following URL to try your first Sinatra app:


Replace <project-name> and <username> with your C9 root directory name and your C9 username respectively. For example, my url is: https://test-sinatra-jacksongl.c9users.io/.


Add another page to your site with URL http://<project-name>.<username>.c9.io/about. The page should display content: My name is <your name>.

Go the next page of this tutorial.