
React on Rails Demo App of a Donut Store

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Frontend - React
  • Backend - Ruby on Rails
  • Database - SQLite


  • Ruby - 3.1.4
  • Rails - 7.1.2
  • npm - 10.2.4
  • Node - 21.5.0
  • React - 18.2.0


  1. Clone this repository
  2. add .env.development to the client directory. In this file should be VITE_API_URL=http://localhost:3000/api/v1
  3. In the root of the project run:
    • bundle
    • rails db:migrate
    • rails db:seed (Optional if you would like to seed dummy data)
    • rails s
  4. In the client direction run:
    • npm install
    • npm run dev
  5. Your app should be running @ http://localhost:5173/