
The Node.js client and CLI for Moonshot AI(Kimi).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Node.js library and CLI for Moonshot AI

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npm i @jacksontian/kimi -g # for CLI
npm i @jacksontian/kimi # for scripting

Usage for CLI

Set API key

You can visit https://platform.moonshot.cn/console/api-keys to get api key.

When you use kimi or kimi-file first time, will prompt you to set api key.

$ kimi
? Please input your kimi api key(you can visit https://platform.moonshot.cn/console/api-keys to get api key): ***************************************************
Welcome to KIMI CLI(v1.0.0), type .help for more information.
Current model is moonshot-v1-32k.
What is your query: 

Or you can re-set it with .set_api_key command.

Chat with KIMI

$ kimi
Welcome to KIMI CLI(v1.0.0), type .help for more information.
Current model is moonshot-v1-128k.
What is your query: 写一首七言唐诗

[Verbose] request id: chatcmpl-5cc0493c22fb4268b0772b08300886b1, usage tokens: 62

File helper

We support a tiny command to manage files.

$ kimi-file # list all files
| id                   | filename                       | purpose      | type | size       | created_at          | status |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------ | ---- | ---------- | ------------------- | ------ |
| co6efvg3r07e3eepmxxx | 1906.08237.pdf                 | file-extract | file | 761790     | 2024-04-03 05:24:14 | ok     |
$ kimi-file upload ~/xxx/test.pdf   # upload file
$ kimi-file get the-file-id         # get file
$ kimi-file rm the-file-id          # delete file

You can use .add_file command to choose a uploaded file:

$ kimi
Welcome to KIMI CLI(v1.0.0), type .help for more information.
Current model is moonshot-v1-128k.
What is your query: .add_file
? Please select your file: (Use arrow keys)
? Please select your file: 1906.08237.pdf
The file 1906.08237.pdf is added into chat session.
What is your query: 请解读 1906.08237.pdf 文件内容

Switch model

You can use .set_model command to switch models:

$ kimi
Welcome to KIMI CLI(v1.0.0), type .help for more information.
Current model is moonshot-v1-128k.
What is your query: .set_model
? Please select your model: 
? Please select your model: moonshot-v1-32k
The model is switched to moonshot-v1-32k now.

Usage for scripting

import Kimi from '@jacksontian/kimi';

const client = new Kimi({
    // Do not hard code it here, read it from configuration or enviroment variables
    apiKey: 'The API key for moonshot AI'
const response = await client.models();


  • chat()
  • models()
  • putFile()
  • putFileStream()
  • files()
  • getFile()
  • getFileContent()
  • deleteFile()
  • estimateTokenCount()
  • getBalance()

The detail of parameters can be found at https://platform.moonshot.cn/docs/api-reference or test/kimi.test.js.


The MIT license.