
javascript template engine , node template engine , viewer(MVC)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a NodeJS template engine ! fast ! type less, do more !


>npm install liteview  # install version 0.1.1 + 


var view = require('liteview').create();
view.init(tpl_base); // set template base to view
view.debug(true); //if needed, set debug ,view will console.log the debug info
    version:'v x.x.x',

============== tpl  test.html =============
        #{set(totalPage = 5)}
                #{[-]} : #{[name]} - #{[address]}
                #{for(var i=0;i<#var:totalPage;i++)}
                    <a href="/page/#{var:i}">page-#{var:i}</a>

PS: inline script must add ";" when needed !!!


* simple syntax,type less , do more;
* cache template into mem, so run more faster;


* variable define , set up local vars, it's different with replacement
    #{set(a=0)}  equal in javascript: var a = 0;
* single replacement
    #{replacement}   #var
* if else
    #{if(#replacement)} #{elseif(#replacement)} #{else} #{end}
* foreach
    #{foreach(#replacement)} #{end}
    replacement in foreach using #{[xxx]} , #[xxx]
    magic var : #{[-]} , #{[_]} , #{[%]}  // array index , array item , array length
* for
    #{for(var n=0;n<#total;n++)}
* const
* expression
* literal
    display content without syntax parse
    literal output , useful for inline-script in html
* block
    define a code block
      //TODO your html code here , everything can be here
    invoke block


* init(base,[const]);  init template base ,constants
* debug(bool); set debug
* reg(name,func); regist functions that called in the tpl
* constant(const); set constants
* preload(tpl); pre-compile the tpl file, and tpl will be cached ,so when cal render, no more compile;
* render(tpl,[data]); return string (usually  html code);

... to be contine

adapter to express connect