Mafia Engine Browser Extension

This is primarily made for MafiaScum, but is labeled Mafia Engine as that's my overarching project name for all mafia-related projects.


Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally. If these steps aren't up to date, please let me know and I will fix them.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies


As this project uses Typescript and SCSS, it requires compilation to be used, to do so perform the following command

npm run build

If you wish to run this in production, restarting automatically when a change has been made use

npm run dev

Linting and Formatting

There are CI rules to ensure that the repository is in a state where it's typesafe, linted and formatted correctly. Please use the npm run lint command to make sure it's linted correctly.

Build Location

It should create a /dist folder with the compiled extensions for both manifest v2 and v3. You can then load it into your browsers depending on which version the browser supports.

Generally Chrome-based browsers will use v3 whereas Firefox will use v2. If you're not sure, try v3 followed by v2.