About The Microservice

Email Form

Built With

Running the service


  • Install RabbitMQ
    brew update
    brew install rabbitmq

Starting RabbitMQ server

  1. Start Server
    brew services start rabbitmq

Start microservice

  1. Start Service in terminal
    python3 emailMicroservice.py

Send Request to microservice

  1. Send request with
    channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='email', body='yes')

Request data

Users can request data by sending a message to the microservice 
to open up the email gui. There users will be able to compose an email 
with a body and a subject. Once the submit button is clicked, the email will be 
sent to the corresponding email.

Receive Data

Data will be received by the email service sent to the corresponding email.
Once the user clicks send, that message will be send directly to the email.

UML Sequence Diagram

UML Diagram

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