The Purpose of this Application is to set up an application that looks similiar to the one below.

The aplication should have full CRUD functionality and have a databse that corisponse with the Data shown.

Alt text

Back End Requirements

The database needs to require a password,list Item and date

The Database can be SQL or Mongo.

Front End Requirements

The Front end should have a list of item that corrisponding with an item in your database

You should be able to Create,delete and update each item on your list.

Extension 1

Your app should Update the todo list Every 5 seconds

Extension 2

Your app Should require a password to add/update/delete an item.

These should be set as cookies upon creating Item.


Dont worry about styling for this application. I moved it over from the old version of this application but it may or may not work as expected. The folder setup is odd but this is the way Codesmith has it and I think that how we should practice it. Try to complete this with in 4 hours If not complete thats ok I wanted this to be harder than the last test so we could be properly prepared. Do your best not to refrence your notes. I'd like to do a code review at the end of the day.To make sure we all feel good about the retake.