
End to end add (translated) subtitles on video file with whisper which developed by OpenAI.

Primary LanguagePython


End to end adding (translated) subtitles on video file with whisper which developed by OpenAI. For translation, we supported two piplelines, version 2 (v2) has better result. The work-flow as shown in figure

Follow instructure to use this tool:

conda create --name whisperTorch python=3.9
conda activate whisperTorch
pip install -U openai-whisper
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git 
pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git
pip install googletrans==4.0.0rc1
pip install moviepy

Prepare your video, put it in ./samples/ folder is recommanded.

Run the code to add subtitle only:

python e2e_video_add_subtitles.py --source AAA.mp4 --modelType medium
python e2e_video_add_subtitles_v2.py --source AAA.mp4 --modelType medium

Run the code to add translated subtitle only:

python e2e_video_add_subtitles.py --source BBB.mp4 --modelType medium --langFrom ja --langTo zh-TW
python e2e_video_add_subtitles_v2.py --source BBB.mp4 --modelType medium --langFrom ja --langTo zh-TW

Work-Flow of transcription:


Work-Flow of tranlation:
