The MD-16G is a homebrew CPU & computer system.
To run the compiler and emulator you will need:
Python 2.7
Processing 3
(Please note, this is not yet implemented)
To get the system running on hardware, you will need an FPGA. This project is optimised for the Arty a-7 Artix-35T but could be tweaked to run on most FPGAs with enough block ram.
How to get it up and going.
Install prerequisite software
Download repo
git clone
Run Compile
Launch emulator
Open Emulator/emulator.pde in processing, click run.
A window will open and a console with text should appear.
- Python 2.7 - Compiler and Assembler
- Processing 3 - Emulator
- Xlinix Vivado - FPGA development
- Michael Duthie - Lead Developer - Mikeyjd25
- Jacob Ernst - Odds, ends, & moral support - JacobErnst98
GNU General Public License v3.0
Stack overflow