
Full-stack Springboot blog deployed using Jenkins and Docker

Primary LanguageJava


enter image description here Codeup-SpringBlog is a blog CMS made from Springboot and MySQL.

Live Site Here

The premise of the project was the illustrate an understanding of the CRUD functionality using JPA and various models. This project contains

  • Springboot
  • RestControllers
  • SpringSecurity
  • ES6 Classes and AJAX


Codeup-SpringBlog used Jenkins to Docker pipeline that built, tested and deployed using docker with environment variables. To get the docker container setup just setup a file named .env and have the following

SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql://<MySQL Server>/<Table>?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true

After saving that file in the same directory, you can pull the docker container and use

docker run --env-file=.env jacobgonzalez0/codeup-springblog

If you need to run the application on a different port be sure to include -p targetPort:8080 before specifying the container name