
Object Detection project created to detect face mask using YOLOv7 trained on a custom dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Object Detection project created to detect face mask using YOLOv7 trained on a custom dataset

Dataset and Preperation


All 853 images were manually annotated using labelimg, two labels were used to classify the images, "Mask" and "No Mask".

The dataset containing the images and labels was split into train/test/val using

python split_dataset.py --folder face_mask --train 80 --validation 10 --test 10 --dest face_mask_dataset

split_dataset.py provided by https://github.com/pHidayatullah/yolov7

Yolo Training

Training was performed over 300 epochs and a batch size of 8 using google colab in the YOLOv7 Training.ipynb file.

# Train
!python train.py --batch-size 8 --device 0 --data data/face-mask.yaml --img 640 640 --cfg cfg/training/yolov7-face_mask.yaml --weights yolov7_training.pt --name yolov7-face-mask --hyp data/hyp.scratch.custom.yaml --epochs 300

YOLOv7 Performance Measurement

python test.py --weights runs/train/yolov7-face-mask4/weights/best.pt --batch-size 2 --device 0 --data data/face-mask.yaml --img 640 --conf-thres 0.01 --iou 0.5 --name yolov7-face-mask-val --task val

Test Batch 0 results

Confusion Matrix

python test.py --weights runs/train/yolov7-face-mask4/weights/best.pt --batch-size 2 --device 0 --data data/face-mask.yaml --img 640 --conf-thres 0.01 --iou 0.5 --name yolov7-face-mask-test --task test

Test Batch 0 results

Confusion Matrix