for post high-throughput sequencing analysis intially created for QIIME1, QIIME2, and mothur pipelines
DNA was recovered from on-site wastewater treatment systems and sequenced using Illumina Mi-Seq. Sequences were run through either the QIIME1, QIIME2 (including R-dada2), or mothur pipeline and assigned taxonomy by Greengenes 13_8 or SILVA_132.
Abundant genera were assigned a potential function by conducting a literature review and assuming all members of a genus were potentially capable of the metabolism of the type species (unless otherwise noted specifically). Some cases, potential function could be assigned at family level or higher.
Nitrogen, carbon, iron, and sulfur cyling are the focus of this inventory.
16S_genera_function_inventory_word.txt is a Mac word document with EndNote bibliography
16S_genera_function_inventory_R.txt is a tab-delimited file of the inventory If using the R.txt file, all genera have the prefix "g__" to remove: x$pot_function<-gsub("g__", "", x$pot_function)
16S_function_inventory_051418.enlx is a compressed EndNote library of all references
last updated: May 14, 2018, 330 genera, 197 references