Cards Against Humanity Simple Online

How to run


  1. Clone the repositiory
  2. Install docker and docker-compose according to the official documentation:


  1. Change into the cards-against-humanity-simple-online folder.
  2. run docker-compose up
  3. Access http://localhost once the docker containers were started successfully.

gamelogic draft

  • every card is an object with properties for text and id
  • black cards get a property of "pick" with the number of answer cards
  • the black card is drawn from the deck and assigned to a player
  • every player can own a set of cards
  • every player can select the "pick" number of cards given from the one black card
  • all player selected card go into some sort of pot that only one player (the one with the black card) can modify
  • the "pot" is a member of the base game object
  • this player gets the same "choose one" routine that the other players have on the cards that are in the pot
  • the cards that are in the pot should have a property of "player ownership" so we can process who won the round