Machine Learning Algorithm : outlier identifying, feature selection

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Source code :

TCGPR package


TCGPR, Version 1, April, 2022.

Tree-Classifier for Gaussian process regression (TCGPR) is a data preprocessing algorithm developed for identifying outliers and/or cohesive data. TCGPR identifies outliers via Sequential Forward Identification (SFI). The SFI starts from few cohesive data, identifies outliers, which maximizes the expected decrease (ED) of the global Gaussian massy factor (GGMF) with a preset criterion of fitting-goodness, by adding a batch of p≥1 data in each sequential through the raw dataset, called an epoch. After an epoch, raw data is divided into one cohesive subset and a rest subset. In the following epoch, the rest subset processed by TCGPR is divided into cohesive and rest subsets again. The preprocessing is going on until the raw dataset is divided into a series of highly cohesive subsets and a final rest subset containing outliers only.

Cite :

  • (Software copyright) Zhang Tong-yi, Cao Bin, Sun Sheng. Tree-Classifier for Gaussian Process Regression. 2022SR1423038 (2022), GitHub : github.com/Bin-Cao/TCGPR.

Written using Python, which is suitable for operating systems, e.g., Windows/Linux/MAC OS etc.

Installing / 安装

pip install TCGPR 

Checking / 查看

pip show TCGPR 

Updating / 更新

pip install --upgrade TCGPR

Running / 运行

See Template

output :

  • [Dataset remained by TCGPR.csv]

Update log

TCLR V1.0 Oct, 2022. official release version

TCLR V1.2 Jan, 2023. add function of feature selection

TCLR V1.3 Feb, 2023. add Multi-targets/cross-validation


Maintained by Bin Cao. Please feel free to open issues in the Github or contact Bin Cao (bcao@shu.edu.cn) in case of any problems/comments/suggestions in using the code.


Algorithm name: Tree classifier for gaussian process regression
outliers detection, features selection

Please feel free to open issues in the Github :
contact Bin Cao (bcao@shu.edu.cn)
in case of any problems/comments/suggestions in using the code. 

encode log: 
    March 14 2022 first version for data screening / Bin CAO
    Jun 16 2022 add note / Bin CAO
    Jan 12 2023 revise code framework / Bin CAO
    Jan 19 2023 supplement feature selection function / Bin CAO
    Feb 3 2023 debug in multi-targets / Bin CAO
    Feb 10 2023 add N folds cross validation / Bin CAO

:param defined in TCGPR
:param Mission : str, the mission of TCGPR, 
    default Mission = 'DATA' for data screening. 
    Mission = 'FEATURE' for feature selection.

:param filePath: the input dataset in csv format

:param initial_set_cap: 
+ for Mission = 'DATA':
++ if Sequence = 'forward':
    initial_set_cap : the capacity of the initial dataset
    int, default = 3, recommend = 3-10
    or a list : 
    [3,4,8], means the 4-th, 5-th, 9-th datum will be collected as the initial dataset
++ elif Sequence = 'backward':
    param initial_set_cap is masked 
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE':
    initial_set_cap : the capacity of the initial featureset
    int, default = 1, recommend = 1-5
    or a list : i.e.,  
    [3,4,8], means the 4-th, 5-th, 9-th feature will be selected as the initial characterize

:param sampling_cap: 
+ for Mission = 'DATA':
    int, the number of data added to the updating dataset at each iteration, default = 1, recommend = 1-5
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE':
    int, the number of features added to the updating feature set at each iteration, default = 1, recommend = 1-3

:param ratio: 
+ for Mission = 'DATA':
++ if Sequence = 'forward':
    tolerance, lower boundary of R is (1-ratio)Rmax, default = 0.1, recommend = 0-0.3
++ elif Sequence = 'backward':
    tolerance, lower boundary of R is (1+ratio)R[last], default = 0.1, recommend = 0.001-0.05
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE':
    tolerance, lower boundary of R is (1+ratio)R[last], default = 0.1, recommend = 0.001-0.05

:param target:
used in feature selection when Mission = 'FEATURE'
    int, default 1, the number of target in regression mission
    target = 1 for single_task regression and =k for k_task regression (Multiobjective regression)
otherwise : param target is masked 

:param up_search: 
+ for Mission = 'DATA':
    up boundary of candidates for brute force search, default = 2e2 , recommend =  2e2-2e4
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE':
    up boundary of candidates for brute force search, default = 20 , recommend =  10-2e2

:param exploit_coef: constrains to the magnitude of variance in Cal_EI function, default = 2, recommend = 2

:param Self_call: 
+ for Mission = 'DATA':
++ if Sequence = 'forward':
    the calculation model of TCGPR, default = True, 
    Self_call=True, TCGPR will be executed repeatedly on the remained dataset. 
++ elif Sequence = 'backward': Self_call is masked
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE': Self_call is masked

:param exploit_model: boolean, default, False
    exploit_model == True, the searching direction will be R only! GGMF will not be used!

:param CV: cross validation, default = 10
    e.g. (int) CV = 5,10,... or str CV = 'LOOCV' for leave one out cross validation

:param defined in Gpr of sklearn package
[sklearn]alpha : float or array-like of shape (n_samples), default=1e-10
        Value added to the diagonal of the kernel matrix during fitting.
        Larger values correspond to increased noise level in the observations.
        This can also prevent a potential numerical issue during fitting, by
        ensuring that the calculated values form a positive definite matrix.
        If an array is passed, it must have the same number of entries as the
        data used for fitting and is used as datapoint-dependent noise level.
        Note that this is equivalent to adding a WhiteKernel with c=alpha.
        Allowing to specify the noise level directly as a parameter is mainly
        for convenience and for consistency with Ridge.

[sklearn]optimizer : "fmin_l_bfgs_b" or callable, default="fmin_l_bfgs_b"
        Can either be one of the internally supported optimizers for optimizing
        the kernel's parameters, specified by a string, or an externally
        defined optimizer passed as a callable. If a callable is passed, it
        must have the signature::

        def optimizer(obj_func, initial_theta, bounds):
            # * 'obj_func' is the objective function to be minimized, which
            #   takes the hyperparameters theta as parameter and an
            #   optional flag eval_gradient, which determines if the
            #   gradient is returned additionally to the function value
            # * 'initial_theta': the initial value for theta, which can be
            #   used by local optimizers
            # * 'bounds': the bounds on the values of theta
            # Returned are the best found hyperparameters theta and
            # the corresponding value of the target function.
            return theta_opt, func_min

        Per default, the 'L-BGFS-B' algorithm from scipy.optimize.minimize
        is used. If None is passed, the kernel's parameters are kept fixed.
        Available internal optimizers are::


[sklearn]n_restarts_optimizer : int, default=10
        The number of restarts of the optimizer for finding the kernel's
        parameters which maximize the log-marginal likelihood. The first run
        of the optimizer is performed from the kernel's initial parameters,
        the remaining ones (if any) from thetas sampled log-uniform randomly
        from the space of allowed theta-values. If greater than 0, all bounds
        must be finite. Note that n_restarts_optimizer == 0 implies that one
        run is performed.

[sklearn]normalize_y : boolean, optional (default: False)
        Whether the target values y are normalized, the mean and variance of
        the target values are set equal to 0 and 1 respectively. This is
        recommended for cases where zero-mean, unit-variance priors are used.
        Note that, in this implementation, the normalisation is reversed
        before the GP predictions are reported.

:return: datasets

for Mission = 'DATA':
++ if Sequence = 'forward':
    from TCGPR import TCGPR
    dataSet = "data.csv"
    initial_set_cap = 3
    sampling_cap =2
    ratio = 0.2
    up_search = 500
    CV = 5
        filePath = dataSet, initial_set_cap = initial_set_cap, sampling_cap = sampling_cap,
        ratio = ratio, up_search = up_search,CV=CV
    note: default setting of Mission = 'DATA', No need to declare
++ elif Sequence = 'backward':
    from TCGPR import TCGPR
    dataSet = "data.csv"
    initial_set_cap = 3
    sampling_cap =2
    ratio = 0.001 # recommend a small float value
    up_search = 500
    CV = 5
        filePath = dataSet, Sequence = 'backward', sampling_cap = sampling_cap,
        ratio = ratio, up_search = up_search,CV=CV
    note: default setting of Mission = 'DATA', No need to declare; initial_set_cap is masked 
+ for Mission = 'FEATURE': 
    from TCGPR import TCGPR
    dataSet = "data.csv"
    sampling_cap =2
    ratio = 0.001 # recommend a small float value
    up_search = 500
    CV = 5
        filePath = dataSet, Mission = 'FEATURE', initial_set_cap = initial_set_cap, sampling_cap = sampling_cap,
        ratio = ratio, up_search = up_search,CV=CV
    note: for feature selection, Mission should be declared as Mission = 'FEATURE' ! 

.. [1] https://github.com/Bin-Cao/TCGPR/blob/main/Intro/TCGPR.pdf

.. [2] Software copyright : Zhang Tong-yi, Cao Bin, Sun Sheng. 
    Tree-Classifier for Gaussian Process Regression. 
    2022SR1423038 (2022)

.. [3] Patent : Zhang Tong-yi, Cao Bin, Yuan Hao, Wei Qinghua, Dong Ziqiang. 
    Tree-Classifier for Gaussian Process Regression. (一种高斯过程回归树分类器多元合金异常数据识别方法) 
    CN 115017977 A(2022)