Functional Requirements

Requirement Area Description
Authentication - User registration
- User login
- Role and permission management
Data Management - CRUD operations for main entities (e.g., users, products, posts)
- Data validation
Security - Input data validation
- Protection against common attacks (e.g., SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF)
File Processing - File upload and management (e.g., images, documents)
Notifications - Email notifications
- Push notifications (for mobile applications)
Search and Filtering - Data search by various criteria
- Results filtering
Integrations - Integration with external services (e.g., payment gateways, third-party APIs)

Example Endpoints

Endpoint Description
/api/users GET: Get all users
POST: Create a new user
/api/users/:id GET: Get a specific user
PUT: Update a user
DELETE: Delete a user
/api/products GET: Get all products
POST: Create a new product
/api/products/:id GET: Get a specific product
PUT: Update a product
DELETE: Delete a product
/api/upload POST: Upload a file


  1. Implement abstract mock
  2. Fix errors in product handler test, don´t use the same errors for service mock