Lesson 3.5: DOM Manipulation, Part 2


This lesson focused on using JavaScript to dynamically modify the style of elements on a webpage. The .style property of JavaScript provides an interface to change or add CSS styling to an element.

.style Property

  • The .style property lets you get or set inline styles of an element.
  • It provides a way to add to or modify CSS styling of a webpage directly through JavaScript.

The general format for using .style is:

    selector.style.cssProperty = "value";

Example: To set the width of an image:

    firstImg.style.width = "400px";

Four Steps for Styling with JS

  • Selector: Choose the HTML element you want to style.
  • .style Property: Used to access the style of the chosen element.
  • CSS Property: Decide which style property you want to change.
  • Value: Set the desired value for that property.

Example: To set a div's background color to purple:

div1.style.backgroundColor = "purple";

Camel Casing in JavaScript

  • CSS properties that have two words are written in camel case when using them in JavaScript.

  • Remove any hyphens and capitalize the first letter of the second word.

    CSS JavaScript
    background-color backgroundColor
    font-size fontSize


header.style.backgroundColor = "black";
header.style.color = "lightGreen";

Key Takeaways

  • JavaScript provides a powerful tool in the .style property to dynamically adjust styles.
  • Remember to use camel case for CSS properties that are typically hyphenated when using them in JavaScript.

Further Reading

For those interested in diving deeper, consider looking into:

Happy coding! 🚀