
Precompile ejs files so that they can be run client-side

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ejs precompile


  • how to add files or directories:

    Add a file:

    add an element to the files array (in settings.json) with the path of the file you want to compile relative to ejs-compile.js , without ./ . Examples: if the file is in the same folder you would simply write filename.js if the file is in a subfolder you would write sub1/sub2/filename.js

    Add a directory:

    add an element to the dirs array (in settings.json) with the path of the directory containing all the files you want to compile relative to ejs-compile.js , without ./ at the start of the string but with a / at the end.

    Set the output file

    In the file settings.json add the directory where the compiled file named views.js will be written, default is the same directory as ejs-compile.js

  • now you can run ejs-compile.js, the compiled views will be written to public/js/views.js