Jade-Good's Following
- chaeyoungg
- gunho30811@Seoul
- seungwon7934Gachon University
- daershdankook university
- iamsoojungKorea, Republic of
- hadevyiBigxData
- jiwoni1
- sminju1009SSAFY 10기
- skyungg
- skh990427South Korea, Seoul
- jcw1031@woowabros
- lllillly공주대학교
- DPRLiveSouth Korea
- FFunFun
- yoon6763Seoul, Republic of Korea
- leedaegeon
- dongwoo46
- jjuneheeKyonggi University
- kimsy98
- Fizioo0102Seoul , Republic of Korea
- seolhh
- Eungae-DSSAFY
- sju3358@marosol
- ninnistic
- SeolangPusan National University
- woogieme
- Probe001
- wonjunchunKOMSCO
- zosunnySSAFY
- qotnqls1998Handong Global Univ.
- iamjinseo
- kimnioyhSSAFY 9th Daejeon
- thdqudgnsSSAFY
- ssafy9june
- sylee723