
Practicing using Docker by building a simple web app for a user profile. The back end of the web app is linked to a mongo-db

Primary LanguageHTML

Developing with Docker: User Profile Web App

This demo app shows a simple user profile app set up using

  • index.html with pure js and css styles
  • nodejs backend with express module
  • mongodb for data storage

All components are docker-based

Docker Node.js MongoDB

About the Project 📓

This project is a simple web application designed to practice using Docker. It features a Node.js backend with Express, MongoDB for data storage, and a frontend built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The application allows users to create profiles and save them to the back end mongo-db. The project is containerized using Docker, enabling easy deployment and scalability - important in the world of DevOps!!

Instructions 👓

With Docker

To start the application

Step 1: Create docker network

docker network create mongo-network 

Step 2: start mongodb

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongodb --net mongo-network mongo    

Step 3: start mongo-express

docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME=admin -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD=password --net mongo-network --name mongo-express -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=mongodb mongo-express   

NOTE: creating docker-network in optional. You can start both containers in a default network. In this case, just emit --net flag in docker run command

Step 4: open mongo-express from browser


Step 5: create user-account db and users collection in mongo-express

Step 6: Start your nodejs application locally - go to app directory of project

npm install 
node server.js

Step 7: Access you nodejs application UI from browser


With Docker Compose

To start the application

Step 1: start mongodb and mongo-express

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

You can access the mongo-express under localhost:8080 from your browser

Step 2: in mongo-express UI - create a new database "my-db"

Step 3: in mongo-express UI - create a new collection "users" in the database "my-db"

Step 4: start node server

npm install
node server.js

Step 5: access the nodejs application from browser


To build a docker image from the application

docker build -t my-app:1.0 .       

The dot "." at the end of the command denotes location of the Dockerfile.

Screenshots 📸

Here is a screenshot of the simple (but working!) web app:

Screenshot of a web based profile page

Here is the updated user profile, proving the ability to edit and save:

Screenshot of a web based profile page

Here is a screenshot of the mongo-db showing the changed record:

Screenshot of a web based profile page

Credit 👭

Thisi project was taken from the CodeFirstGirls DevOps MOOC. A brilliant UK-based community which aims to get more women into tech! Check out the current MOOCs here

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