AI Summarizer

Created a one-paragraph AI summarizer powered by OpenAI's GPT-4. It can take a URL as input and distill lengthy web articles into a single, coherent summary. This tool leverages GPT-4's advanced natural language understanding, making it effortless for users to obtain concise yet informative article summaries. It's a game-changer for staying informed in our fast-paced digital world.


  • Takes URL as input
  • Summarizes lengthy web pages into a single, coherent summary
  • Leverages GPT-4's advanced natural language understanding, making it effortless for users to obtain concise yet informative article summaries
  • Very quick, less than 10 seconds to summarize a webpage
  • Copy button to allow users to copy the summarized text
  • Error handling

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Redux.js Toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS

Image of Horse Article Summarized


Horse article: