BCHacksLite 2020 - GeoChat

Chat with your community - any time, anywhere. With GeoChat, you can create and join public geographically-based chatrooms to connect people in the same area; whether that be a coffee shop or a city.

Main page prototype A prototype of the main page of GeoChat.


Our team loves meeting and chatting with strangers! So, what better way than to create a way for anyone to chat with anyone in a given community?

What it does

GeoChat allows you to chat with anyone in a physical radius. That could be the size of a coffee shop, a neighbourhood or a whole city.

How we built it

We built it using Vue.js on the client side, with a Node.js server side supported by Express.js and Firebase.

Challenges we ran into

12 hours goes by fast when you're having fun! We had to drop the actual messaging implementation due to time constraints and focus on the location-based room system which is the core of our app.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We created a working back-end capable of updating rooms in the database as well as a dynamic front-end interface despite the time constraints.

What we learned

We all learned some new technology; primarily Firebase and the integration of geographical APIs into Node.js and Vue. And of course, we gained some important team building skills and saw the importance of communicating early and often.

What's next for GeoChat

We plan to complete the functionality of the app and test the concept in practice with some real people. If it turns out to be successful, we'll look at expanding to the mobile market and publishing it to an actual server.


Created by Jaden Balogh, Jean-Philippe Abadir and Shawn Mountenay.