
Swift data structure for efficiently accessing min/max elements by priority

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PriorityHeap is a Swift data structure that extends the functionality of the Heap data structure from the swift-collections package. It utilizes the Prioritizable protocol to allow elements to be ordered based on their inherent priority. This is particularly useful when the elements themselves are not directly comparable, or when you want to order the elements based on a specific property.


The PriorityHeapModule provides a PriorityHeap data structure that leverages the Prioritizable protocol to manage elements according to their inherent priority.


The Prioritizable protocol is defined as follows:

public protocol Prioritizable {
    associatedtype Priority: Comparable
    var priority: Priority { get }

To add Prioritizable conformance to your custom types, you need to specify an associated type that conforms to Comparable and provide a priority property. Here's an example:

struct WorkItem: Prioritizable {
    typealias Priority = Int

    let description: String
    let priority: Priority


PriorityHeap is a Min-Max Heap data structure, where the ordering is based on the priority of an element. It provides methods to insert elements, and to retrieve and remove the elements with the highest and lowest priority.

Here's an example of how to use it:

var workHeap = PriorityHeap<WorkItem>()
workHeap.insert(WorkItem(description: "Do laundry", priority: 2))
workHeap.insert(WorkItem(description: "Buy groceries", priority: 1))
workHeap.insert(WorkItem(description: "Pick up kids from school", priority: 3))

while let workItem = workHeap.popMax() {
// Prints "Pick up kids from school"
// Prints "Do laundry"
// Prints "Buy groceries"

In this example, the popMax() method is used to retrieve the work items in descending order of priority.


The PriorityHeapAlgorithms module extends the capabilities of PriorityHeap with additional utilities that simplify common operations involving priority heaps.

Merged Operations

The PriorityHeapAlgorithms module enhances the functionality of PriorityHeap by providing utilities to compare and manipulate multiple priority heaps. It allows you to determine which of two heaps has the element with the lesser or greater priority, and to perform operations like retrieving or removing the minimum or maximum element across heaps. This is particularly useful when you need to maintain a global ordering or priority across separate collections, such as merging tasks from different queues while preserving priority order.

For example, consider two priority heaps representing tasks in different departments of a company:

if let mostUrgentTask = PriorityHeap.popMax(&engineeringHeap, &marketingHeap) {
    print("Most urgent task: \(mostUrgentTask.description)")

In this scenario, popMax will remove and return the task with the highest priority across both departments, ensuring that the most critical work is addressed first.

Limited Capacity

In scenarios where the number of elements must be constrained due to limited resources or specific requirements, you may specify an eviction policy (evictMax or evictMin) on insertion to ensure the heap never exceeds a set capacity. This automatically manges which elements to keep based on their priority and is particularly useful for tasks like maintaining a fixed-size cache or a keeping track the most promissing paths in a graph serach algorithm.

var frontier = PriorityHeap<Path>(evictionPolicy: .evictMax, capacity: 10)

for path in newPaths {
    let result = frontier.attemptInsert(path, capacity: 10, evictionPolicy: .evictMax)
    if case .evict(let evictedPath) = result {
        print("Evicted less promising path: \(evictedPath.description)")


Here's how to include PriorityHeap in your Swift package:

.package(url: "https://github.com/JadenGeller/swift-priority-heap", version: "0.6")

Then, include it in your target dependencies:

.target(name: "YourTarget", dependencies: ["PriorityHeap"]),

Swift Collections

PriorityHeap is backed by the Heap data structure from the swift-collections package. Swift Collections is an open-source project from Apple introducing new data structures to Swift. For more detailed information about the performance and characteristics of the underlying Heap data structure, you can refer to the official documentation.