Screeps Boilerplate


This is a starter with Grunt and hot reload. On file saves, it will auto update on Screeps.


A config.json is required in the root of the project:

  "branch": "dev",
  "email": "",
  "password": "screeps_password",
  "ptr": false,
  "private_directory": true,
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 21025,
  "http": true


  1. npm install to install required packaged
  2. npm i -g grunt to install Grunt globally.
  3. This utilizes Screeps Mod Auth. Setup an email and password through your screeps server.
  4. Create a config file
  5. Grunt Watch or run the run.bat ( to start

Building your AI

  1. Start writing in loop.js in the src directory.
  2. Don't modify main.js or version.js!
  3. To create more than a single javascript file, use import