The Map App

The Map App is a web application that allows users to search for hints of records that can be linked. The user can search by name or location, and results will pop up as icons on a draggable map. The linking occurs through family search. This application is jointly owned with the RLL.

How to run locally

  • Clone the repository
  • Enter the src/ directory
  • Install nvm (Node Version Manager) on your machine
  • Switch to node version 16.13.0 with nvm - Run nvm install 16.13.0 and then nvm use 16.13.0
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Run ng serve
  • Locally, the app will run on port 4200

Technologies and Dependencies required

  • Angular
    • Version 13.2.5
  • Leaflet
    • Version 1.7.1

Deployment Strategy

Branch to work from: master

App Structure

File Structure (src/app directory)

Component Description
Map Displays the map element and the leaflet popups
Search Displays the seach popup
Instructions Controls and formats the detailed instructions
Footer Not currently in use, to be implemented in a future version

"# townUSA"